Struggling to cope

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  • 41 subscribers

It's been a while since my last post. Mum was diagnosed with a Glioblastoma back in September. She's had it removed and had radiotherapy. She was doing alright up until last Wednesday when she had a fall outside and hit her head. I'd left her for one split second and told her to stay put until I'd popped the bag of shopping upstairs ( they live in a upstairs massonette) her legs have always been bad with arthritis. Anyway I run up dumped the bag and as I came back to the top of the stairs mum was trying to climb the step into the house missed her footing and fell backwards. I just couldn't get to her in time. She banged her head and a ambulance was called we went to hospital and she had a scan everything came back fine. The nice Dr gave me a list of symptoms incase of concussion. Problem is that are very similar to the tumour symptoms. We are waiting for the council to but a stairlift in ,the man is meausing up on Thursday but its not being done fast enough. Mum seems tried all the time and it takes me and my elderly father to get her to the loo.  She's not eating much and I'm so scared she's just going down hill. I don't know what to do and if I'm doing all the right things. I'm frightened and finding it all overwhelming. I can't ho home as dad needs me to help get my up and dressed and help back and forth to the loo. I just feel like running away and of course I can't do that. We've had hardly any sleep, any help and advice welcome. 


  • Hi  

    Sorry to read your story, it does sound very difficult. I certainly understand the impact of a lack of sleep and perhaps it might be helpful to speak to your GP about some support for you.

    Glad there was no major issues following the fall but I am sure it was very frighting - I have had moments like that too but we cannot be everywhere and do everything all the time.

    I wonder if it would help to talk to the staff on the phoneline and see if you are all getting all the help to which you are entitled.



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