Caring for my husband

  • 2 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Has anyone ever felt they are grieving a person who is living .As since my husband got diagnosed with kidney cancer he had one thing after another .they are only keeping eye on cancer as they cannot operate due to his complex needs . He recently been told he could possibly have cancer of bowel or colon but they won't do anything due to his lack of mobility .they said that chemo would also be difficult .feel like he a ticking time bomb 

  • Hi  

    Pre geief is very common as we can see in the blog post here

    It sounds like you both have a lot of other things going on too - I certainly recognize a lot of that.

    One thing I had to learn as a carer was the bit about looking after myself at least some of the time. Lots of sayings like "you cannot pour from an empty pot" and "fit your own oxygen mask first" can related to this. 



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  • Yes, yes, yes! I’m so glad I saw your post but equally sad for you. I grieve my husband every day and he's still here!