Help anyone got any suggestions?

  • 4 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Was at my work  this am mum supposed to be  going for her injection 

She takes tablets twice  a day too

When she arrived  the Nurse told her she needed to see care team instead. They weighed  her she has lost another stone  in 4 weeks she's got no appetite  and most days struggling with  even water.

Anti sickness  not working she spends most of day feeling  yuk

They told her they don't  think her body can cope with any treatment  at the moment so she needs to recover and gain weight  . So withdrawn  the lot 

Problem is  she had no appetite  before  she  started this treatment  ..

They just told her to go home and try to eat .

Wtaf is that all about ?

  • Hello Pasty,

    All sounds so upsetting for you as you have no control in wanting to do more for your mum. However, you are doing lots and by offering emotional support and a warm hug to your mum will help, tho it would help if you got the same caring attention too, so I am sending you lots of hugs and positive vibes your way. I know for me there are days I just want to eat jelly or ice cream as this gives me a little bit of "lift" from being healthy all the time, maybe today you can try some nice smoothies that your mum might like to pick herself. I hope you will find some useful solutions from others in this group. Good luck and stay positive.Heart

  • We found the dieticians were limited in their help.  We received a data sheet with foods to eat, no pro active help on when and how this is done.

    However, I bought a Ninja Smoothie maker from Argos. £50.

    I used avocado, banana, Manuka honey, almond butter, 10% full fat greek yogurt, whole milk and some Whey Powder. Also added some full cream and 4 Calogen shots to the mix. It's very tasty and can be made smoother by adding more whole milk.

    So each smoothie container contains 1500 calories plus bags of protein and vitamins like potassium.

    My wife had two a day, approx 1000 calories plus anything else she was able to take in. This stopped the weight loss, immediately she became more herself afya couple of days.

    My wife had no appetite either and the anti sickness medication didn't work very well. What I figured is having nothing in the stomach promotes even less appetite, and nauseous.

    I hope this is constructive for her

  • Thanks  will give it a go