Is this acceptable?

  • 1 reply
  • 44 subscribers

Good Evening

My dad has advanced prostate cancer which has spread to his bones and lymph nodes, he was sent home from hospital to pass away at home. He is bed bound and incontinent 

The hospital sorted out a care company to come  4 times a day to look after his care needs.

The first week, a carer gave him too much medication, late visits etc.

We seemed to have ironed all our differences. Until today.

Dad rang me at 1320 this afternoon and said nobody has been to see him ,( he has a breakfast call, lunch , dinner and bed calls)  I rang the office and they said they would look into it straight away, they rang me back and said he'd been overlooked.!!!

How can a terminally ill man be overlooked.  He eventually got a visit at 14.50.  He was wet , not had his night bag changed , he had soiled his pad,  not had vital medication and was so anxious.

I have complained to the Manager who said she would look into this, but what would you advise?  I visit him twice a day and feed him, make sure he has everything he needs , but I'm beside myself with worry. 

Thankyou for any help or advice you lovley people can  suggest.

  • Hi Cazbumbaz welcome to the forum. This situation is absolutely awful for you and should not under any circumstances be happening. Time to be really assertive with this company and let them know that the care they are providing is well below acceptable and you are not prepared to tolerate this level of supposed service for your dad. I wonder also if it may be worth having a chat with your GP and see if they can help any with support for you in the home. Does the District Nurse come in at all if not maybe they could. Does he have any input from the palliative Care Team at the hospital, again if not maybe worth trying to make contact with them and letting them know what is happening as I feel sure that they will be as horrified at the lack of care and be able to offer you some more support. 


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