Tired out

  • 8 replies
  • 47 subscribers

We are really are at the start of this horrible journey husband stage 4 with mets. 
he is too weak as yet for chemo and will be having radiotherapy 12 days in the next two weeks, after which they will decide if he can have chemo.

My problem is I feel exhausted already and we are only a couple of months in. I had two brain haemorrhages in 2016 and have an untreated aneurysm in a difficult place, good news it hasn’t grown. I have fibromyalgia,three years ago I had a total knee replacement which has gone wrong. I am still under the hospital but anything they can do is on hold because of this situation. My knee gives me a lot of pain and is worse than my other knee which has arthritis. Sorry if this sounds like a poor me story, I don’t mean it to be. 

I’m  sure you understand, I am now a full time nurse for my husband dispensing medications, washing, dressing, cooking, cleaning, shopping, driving to appointments etc. I do it willingly as I love him very much and wish it was me instead of him, it’s dreadful to see him turn into an old man before my eyes. But I’m so tired, I’m dragging up the energy from nowhere, I feel burnt out already. I’m at a bit of a loss asi only want to care for him as well as possible.

  • I understand exactly how tired you are - and I luckily have no significant health concerns of my own. It really is draining both physically and mentally. I have no advice to pass on as I’m living the same kind of life, but wanted to reply anyway. Best wishes to you.

  • I'm so sorry to read about your story. It's tough being a full time carer when you have your own health issues. 

    I'm not sure what help is available. I remember my dads palliative care nurse has asked if we needed help, I vaguely remember she mentioned carers help is available. We didn't explore this option cos are managing ok. Maybe speak to your GP and see if any support is available? 

    It's important that you don't burn yourself out. Sorry I'm not much help, all I can think of is maybe calling the Macmillian helpline and see if they have any suggestions. They've been so helpful whenever I've called them. 

    Sending you strength. Take care of yourself x

  • Life can be so tough, it's certainly not easy. I'm 3 years down the line from when my husband was given 6 months after being diagnosed with stage 4 Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Visits to the hospital really takes it out of us, wondering and stressing over blood results, trying to keep our loved ones positive while all the while we feel the need to crumble. Like you I've taken over everything, finance, budgeting, keeping friends and family up to date with circumstances, and the constant worry about what the future will hold. I can only commiserate Estweyn, there is no dodging this path we're having to walk. My only advice that I dare offer would be to try and live 'in the moment', try not to think too far ahead, and to take each day as it comes. I don't have any other option. When things get too much and I get panicky I try and sit quietly and play 'solitaire' on my mobile, it's a trick I've learnt to try and slow down my thoughts. Always remember, you are doing the best you can, and no one can ask for more than that. Big hugs {{{{hugs}}}} you are not alone x

  • My husband was only diagnosed in December but I’m already so tired - just the constant worry, hospital appointments, work, shopping, paying bills etc. it’s exhausting. Then I feel guilty for feeling like this as I’m not the one who is ill. Had a bit of a meltdown this week after being stoic and even positive for a few weeks - spoke to the MacMillan nurse which helped. I felt heard and reassured that what I’m feeling is normal. I’d definitely recommend talking to someone at MacMillan if you can. 

    You aren’t alone Heart

  • Thank you for caring.

  • Very wise words. I’m a lot better today, had a gruelling hospital day yesterday and I fitted the shopping in as well. I realise I need to organise better to allow myself time to just sleep!

  • I seem to remember her mentioning some care would be available, I need to have a chat with them. Thank you

  • Thank you, I am going to chat with them x