Feeling numb and lost

  • 3 replies
  • 45 subscribers

I’m not sure how I’m feeling because I keep thinking this isn’t about me. So my mum has been ill with COPD for a long time with declining health so my dad has been her main caregiver with my support. My Dad has just been diagnosed with lung cancer we don’t know what stage yet as still doing tests. I’m an only child and feeling a bit overwhelmed I think with everything ie appointments as they don’t drive and trying to juggle a full time job. Thankfully in a way I’m single and have no kids just my dog. I’m wondering if this is all normal and how others are coping with being a career.


  • Hi  

    welcome to our community though we are always a little bit sorry to see someone join our club.

    In terms of "normal" - for here you sound very normal. If we look at your feelings when someone has cancer I know I recognize a lot of what I went through. Everyone on here too will recognize the time after diagnosis as being really difficult with not knowing what comes next.

    It took me a while before I reached out and that I realized late was something of a mistake. Well done for reaching out on here because there are a lot of us who just get it in the way many don't as cancer can still be seen as something of a taboo.



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  • Thanks it’s good to know I have somewhere to go to talk. 

  • Believe me what you’re feeling is very normal. Having somewhere to go to read how others are coping with such a huge change in our lives is comforting. Someone is always willing to listen. We just do the best we can for those we love.