Awful day...

  • 8 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Oh gosh where do I start!... met with my fiancées consultant today...not good stage 4 kidney but also lungs lymph and bone..we were told that we need to make sure our wills and life ins etc are sorted....drs will sort macmillan nurses for home care....I'm in a terrible state he's being stoic which makes it can I help him?  X

  • I’m so sorry to hear this . The worst news possible for you both . Love to you both and cherish the moments. Am I right in thinking this was a recent diagnosis .? Bless you guys

  • Hi and thank you for replying x

    Found out last Dec...he then had surgery last out to remove tumor and cyst but they couldn't as it had attached to his bowel and pancreas.....knew this day was fast approaching but to her his consultant say get your will etc in order really hit hard.

  • My best wishes to you both 

  • I'm so, so sorry for you both. 

    We've been through this journey so I won't lie,it's very hard but once you have had time to process the news you will find an inner strength and will get through it. Spend as much time as you can together, do as much as you can while he's well enough, make memories, leave nothing unsaid....make sure he knows how much you love him. Look through old photos, videos and laugh and enjoy those trips down memory lane. 

    You'll be helping him by being with him. Listen to his wishes, and honour them. 

    I'm sending love&strength to you both on your journey. 

    Take care......oh, and look after yourself too. Xxxxx

  • So very sorry for you both. Try and cherish every day you have together. Sending love and strength and know that this community is here for you. xx

  • This is so hard for you guys and I didn’t realise this was such a recent diagnosis . It’s awful if your fiancé only found out in December he had this disease , especially if he was healthy beforehand . Best wishes to you both 

  • So sorry  . The first days are such a shock. You are still adjusting and of course it’s expected and understandable that you will feel lost and overwhelmed and distraught. I found comfort myself in educating myself about the disease, learning what to expect, and calling the macmillan and Marie Curie support lines for practical and emotional advice. They are very experienced and knowledgeable and can help you navigate some of these new feelings and help you understand your role as a carer and how you can best support your fiancee. It’s a terrible feeling to know that no matter what you do, you can’t fix this…. There’s a lot of acceptance that has to develop but that takes time so you’re going to feel a little cast adrift for a while. I have been reading a book called Radical Acceptance that has been immensely helpful in dealing with some of these complex emotions. There’s no denying this is so hard, but like another commenter said, you will find the inner strength you didn’t know you had. Big hugs to you 

  • I am so sorry to read your post.  What horrible news.  How dreadful to have doctors telling your to prepare for the worst … plus your own struggles trying to help and support your fiancée. Lots of love and hugs and strength.