Wife diagnosed with Metastatic Melanoma.

  • 5 replies
  • 45 subscribers


I have read many of these threads and feel like I am overreacting a bit on saying that with my wife’s diagnosis, I am struggling.

She is my second wife and I believe we are soul mates, she is a wonderful and caring person. We have been together for 12 great years. However with the original diagnosis the relationship suffered, she became withdrawn and constantly irritated. She felt horrible about herself and like that was it!. All of which I understand.

i tried being myself around her, didn’t help. I tried helping where and when I could, didn’t help. Tried to talk or not talk, didn’t help. Gradually after scans and surgery (18 months) she seemed to adjust.

Now she has found a Metastatic deposit, around the original site and again has withdrawn herself and everything I do seems to annoy her. 
I really appreciate she has a lot to deal with and it must be all consuming. But she even told me that at the moment she really doesn’t have time to deal with me!. I don’t have a great support network and find I’m falling into a depressive star which only makes things worse?.

Am I the only one?

  • Hi  

    Welcome to our community though sorry to hear about what you are going through and I would note you are far from alone as many will recognize what you are going through. If we look at Your feelings when someone has cancer I know I recognize a lot of what I went through when my wife was diagnosed.

    If might help to talk to your GP about how you feel, there are certainly support networks around that may help and indeed on here we have a tool in your area which can help find support networks near you.

    Do post on here whenever too - we understand this journey is hard enough and it can be really good just to write down how we feel because all those feelings are genuine.



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  • Hi

    i know how you are feeling it can be such a lonley place.when my husband gets down i am there for him.of course i am.but inside i am so so sad all the time.The one person that i would turn to when i have had problems was my sister but she died in 2021 of a brain tumor.

    So i am like you dont have any support so i do understand what you are going through.

  • Thank you src60, 

    i guess just knowing someone is there to listen is huge benefit. 
    Thank you for your words of support and I will explore all avenues suggested.


  • Hi Candy57,

    I am sorry to hear of your struggles and feel your pain.

    Having no or limited support network really does hit hard at times like these. I know I have been struggling quite badly at times and it has made me snappy and infuriated. Then I just feel guilty and the cycle goes on.

    i believe lots of people say they want to help and listen but they seem to disappear when needed. Losing your sister in itself is a major upset, especially as it sounds like you were very close.
    I’m hoping (as I’m sure you are) that this forum may help.

    I look forward to speaking again.


  • Thank you for you kind words and support they mean alot.