Brain tumour support

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  • 45 subscribers

Hi, husband diagnosed with brain tumour on Christmas Eve.  Been struggling to deal with this huge change.  Initially they said radiotherapy and chemo best chance of extending life and keeping him well although it sounded a scary short prognosis, but just found out yesterday that they have re-reviewed his case and are going to do surgery first.  They say they can’t get all of it out but will try for as much as they can.  We have pre-op next week then all being well operation should be week after. I swing from feeling positive to despair and all sorts in between but trying to be strong for him and his elderly mother.  But terrified about basically everything to come. Thanks for reading.

  • Waiting isn't nice but sometimes the longer the better results although we don't want them , take care 


  • Take care and keep in touch

  • Will do 


  • Hi Karen

    how do you cope with your anxieties and your husbands? That is something I’m definitely struggling with x

  • Hi Jen, to be honest I hide a lot of my anxiety from him although every so often I have a little cry he sees I otherwise do it when he is sleeping when I get scared about what is ahead and ultimately being left alone without him. I am with him all the time so feel guilty that I crave a bit of time for myself. I feel selfish thinking about myself at all.  I am signed off work with stress but am going to resign this week. He is focused on the upcoming treatment and wants me with him. I do all the medication organising and medical appointments which he says is a great help and can be really time consuming. It also makes me feel I am being helpful and keeps my mind occupied. He seems able so far to keep focused on the next thing and not let anxiety take over. We have done our wills and powers of attorney to be organised but have not talked about what is to come. I still cannot believe this is our life now.  Sorry if this isn’t helpful I may be rambling.  Keep taking care of yourself xx

  • Hi, feeling very overwhelmed tonight. Got husbands 6 weeks of radiotherapy dates today. He is sleeping now. Having an anxious panicky cry quietly to myself. He said today how much he relies on me so I need to pull myself together but I’m scared and overwhelmed by the responsibility. I just pointlessly wish we could go back and this just wasn’t happening to us. Hope everyone is taking care of themselves. Much love x

  • Sending big hugs 

    we are having an extremely challenging time this week too. Seizures won’t stop so treatment  can’t start until stable. 
    it’s so sad we are going through this and how we have to be positive when actually we are living through a nightmare x

  • Sending hugs back to you and hope so much that things can calm down for you. You are sadly right this is all a nightmare we can’t wake up from. I am exhausted from being scared of everything but acting so strong and capable and positive. Here’s hoping somehow tomorrow is better for us both. Xx

  • Take care and we are doing our best in extremely difficult situations xx

    stay in touch x

  • Hi Jen, just wanted to check in with you. sending much love x