The loss

  • 3 replies
  • 46 subscribers

My beautiful mum took her last breath so peacefully yesterday morning. The room was surrounded with so much calmness and so much love. Now I am on the journey of grief and hell does it hurt 

I thought I would probably accept it ok as I've been by her side from the start of her illness but it hit me so hard. 

I miss her, I miss us together, I miss what the future would have had if she was here. 

No question but just wanted to get that out of me


  • Hi Squirrel87 welcome to the forum. I am so vey sorry to hear this news of your mums death. Whenever you feel up to chatting or just putting thoughts out here we are here for you.

    Sincere condolences on you loss and also some huge big hugs being sent your way for now. xxx 


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  • I'm so very sorry to hear of the loss of your lovely Mum. I lost my Dad on 4th Jan. We are 9 days in and am still lost, numb&hurting. It all feels completely surreal. We've registered his death, booked his funeral for next Fri, chosen music, spoken to the celebrant, chosen poems and yet it feels like I'm on auto pilot&this is happening to someone else. We knew we were losing Dad, like you were with him on his 2 month journey from diagnosis to passing...but it is still a huge shock& still can't accept he's gone. 

    I'm so sorry....not much comfort to you, but for me I'm just concentrating on getting through an hour at a time.....

    Sending love and strength to you. I hope you have good friends&family around to support you. 

    Take care. Xx

  • I’m so very sorry for your loss. Take time to grieve and be kind to yourself. Sending love and strength x