I'm drowning!

  • 4 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hi my daughter fought & (we thought) beat cervical cancer  but it returned in her bowel & were told her tumour is incurable now ! She's having 3 different types of chemo so her husband & I are taking it in turns being with her& looking after their 3 young chikdren. I have fm & arthritis but was doing OK with it all until just b4 Christmas, my husband was told he needed a heart valve replacing (he has copd) then, at another hospital, got diagnosed with bowel cancer too (altho it's in the early stages) my daughter got blue lighted to hospitalBlush on Christmas day after losing so much blood she passed out, she only came out on 23rd after getting sepsis so it's been rough for her but she is so positive & a fighter Blush the problem is my husband! I've just found out he's started smoking again (after we'd given up) his breathing is really bad so he can't do anything... Its as if he's given up & I can't help but feel angry with him.

Sorry for the rambling but I feel I'm drowning as our grandchildren are struggling without their mum so I'm caring for them, I'm helping my son in law to care for my daughter along  with dealing with hubby! 

  • Hugs to you. I think you need to talk to someone from MacMillan to get through it. This is a massive weight on your shoulders. All my very best wishes. x

  • Hi  

    You are dealing with such a lot and you got it out in really quite a short message - not rambling at all in fact you are really quite remarkable.

    You have your own health problems and yet are carrying so many other people too, it is not unusual for someone in your position to say "they are being so positive" and if we look at your feeling when someone has cancer I certainly recognize a lot of what I went through. I have ankylosing spondylitis so can relate to the problems that arthritis can bring - especially the "but you do not look disabled" bit.

    For your grandchildren then is a range of tips in our pages on talking to children that might help. Our son's schools have be so helpful to us and Michael having got the same message from all his trusted adults helped him cope.

    Like  do remember you can always ring our helpline here - I have cried at them in the past and they are really very understanding.



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  • Thanks for replying Franniefanakapan Blush yes I've been thinking if ringing macmillan but I don't seem to get a minute alone but I will surely try x

  • Src60 thank you but I don't feel remarkable Smirk I will look at the pages you suggested I must admit my 2 granddaughters are at secondary school & they have been amazing but my 7 year old grandson is really struggling, he seems to be angry & sad all the time which is not the sweet little boy he once was. I am struggling with him altho my eldest granddaughter (14) is amazing by helping me alot

    My husband is due to have his cancer op on 19th Jan but the anesthetist says it too risky b4 he has his heart op so that's a big worry 

    Thanks for the reply& suggestions I will stainless have a look & try to so someone Blush