Newbie and need to vent

  • 2 replies
  • 44 subscribers

My mother in law was diagnosed with liver (not sure where else as she didn't want any investigation work) cancer, she has recently been fitted with a driver.

I need to vent as my brother in law is useless. I mean I understand it's hard to help look after his mother so I do most of the care work myself, my partner helps where he can even helping me change her, but all I ask of my brother in law is simple things like make sure she has clean and dry nighties. The nurses came out a little while ago as the driver was beeping and I asked if they could give me a hand to change her, in all fairness they done it all as always without a moan, but my brother in law had washed the nighties 2 days ago and they were sat wet in a basket. It's not hard to make sure that she has clean dry nighties or bedding is it? 

Can I ask how others cope? It looks like we will have to move in as well now as I just don't think he is looking after her during the night, I leave about 10/11 and I'm back by 6/7 he says he has it all in hand but I don't think he does. 

Sorry to rant on my first post. Thank you for reading

  • Hi  

    Sorry to hear about your mother in law and the impact this is having on all of you, things do sound very difficult and if venting on here helps please do feel free - we understand mostly because we have all been there.

    There are some tips on supporting someone with cancer that might be helpful. I know one thing I learned the hard way was how to look after myself, as they sometimes say "we need to fit our own oxygen mask first".



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  • Thank you, yes trying to look after myself while supporting the 2 boys. As daft as it sounds walking around in a daze in Tesco helped today. I will be booking a flotation session as well asap.