My Big Brother and Unknown Primary Cancer

  • 2 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Hi everyone. I am new to this site and just beginning to navigate my way around. 

So my big brother Chris (49) has been diagnosed with secondary brain tumours caused by a cancer unknown. He is due for his CT and MRI tomorrow, the CT will cover the chest, abdomen and pelvis and will hopefully show the primary source but as of now we dont know what that is so its a massive worry. 

Chris suffered in 2010 of cancer of the carotid artery which was removed and after he had some radiotherapy treatment to kill any left over cancer cells but has since been ok from that until recently. 

We also lost our mum in 2018 from a short battle (6 and half months) with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma so anything thats new medical wise my brother holds off on mentioning or getting checked because he is terrified. Which is understandable, although we are different in that respect as if I felt something had changed or wrong I would go to be checked straight away given our family history (my Gran also had Ovarian Cancer, she passed of a stroke in 1989) but my mum and brother are the ones who would rather not know. 

It the waiting that I don't like and I feel we could be waiting over Christmas for the results of the CT and MRI, but if anyone has been through or knows someone that is going through or been through the same or similar, can maybe shed some light on how long they waited for results or is things were sped through being an unknown cancer? 

  • Hi  

    Sorry to hear about both your brother, mum and gran.  Waiting is hard and not knowing, I think every on here will recognize that. For sometime my wife was being flagged as likely cancer but it took some time to find it that it almost felt a relief when they finally found it. Her cancer is classed are rare though - Leiomyosarcoma - always great when she sees a new doctor and they look it up at wikipedia.

    You might like to look in on the forum Unknown primary cancer forum since they may be people in there with shared experinece.



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  • Thank you Steve. I have joined the unknown primary forum also. 

    Im so sorry to read about your wife. I can understand the devastation of finding out the type of cancer but also the relief of knowing where it all started. 

    In a thankful way we will be getting the results after Christmas {4th Jan) but I know it will be stressful time even if we try and not think about it over this period, it will by no doubt creep in there more and more. My brother is happy not finding out until after thought. I just feel like if we know results sooner the sooner we can start treatment and a better chance of a longer life for him. 

    I hope your wife gets the treatment she needs now they have an answer. I will keep her in my prayers. 

    Take care Steve