Last Christmas

  • 9 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Hi everyone, 

My dad's only got a Month if that left (according to his prognosis) 

What have people bought their loved ones when you know it'll be your last? You know they don't need 'stuff'... He's too ill to buy him 'experiences' as he can't do them, and I know I don't need to buy him something..but equally I want to....

Any thoughts 

  • I made a picture book for my mum, downloading all photos from your phone of family, pets and happy times all in one book, I think its special because most people don't print photos anymore and it's in their phones which isn't the same, I looked through the book and I know she will love it, sending you lots of hugs through this difficult time 

  • Thank you - that's a lovely idea Green heartGreen heart

  • Hi Holly

    I was sad to read your post, I'm so sorry.

    It'll be my dad's last Christmas too, which feels unreal and unbearable.  I held off buying anything until recently in case I jinxed him, if that makes sense.  I've now bought him some sweets and chocolates he likes, a plug in blanket, because he's always cold, and a thick cardigan.

    I cannot express how much I'm dreading Christmas,  and I felt so tearful wrapping up his few bits.

    My thoughts are with you and everyone in our position. 



  • Awwwww Diane...I totally understand your fear of jinxing him. This will also be my lovely Dad's last Christmas. I've bought him a warm cosy hoodie&my sister has bought him an electric blanket. I cried buying his present&still not sure he'll be with us Christmas day. Absolutely heartbreaking but strangely comforting to know we're not alone. 

    My thoughts are with you&everyone else in this awful position. 

    Give your Dad a huge hug&tell him how much you love him. Xxx

  • I am so sorry that this will be your father's last Christmas - it will be my husbands too.  I cried when I went to get Christmas cards but was determined that he would sign one (even though I chose it myself) this way I will have a card to bring out each year.  I haven't got him any presents as he keeps telling me that he doesn't want anything - he's not eating or drinking, doesn't want any books or films so I think that it is going to be a present-less Christmas. He did choose a bracelet for me with a little internet help so I will have something to remember him with.  He's in hospital at the moment and I'm not sure if and when he will be coming home.  Just being with your father may be all he needs.  

    Sending you love and hugs xxx

  • Oh, I'm so sorry.  It really is so heartbreaking. I wish it wasn't Christmas,  but I guess there's never a good time of year for such sadness.

    I took dad to see an old friend today. It was nice to listen to them reminiscing and telling their tall tales! That made me feel emotional though.  Everything does.

    I'm so sorry that we're in this situation , but, as you say, it's a  comfort to know we're not alone. 

    I wish you a peaceful and hopeful festive season, and really hope you can share it with your dad.. Xxx

  • I'm so very sorry.  Please know you're not alone and can share with us on here when you need to. Xxx

  • This will be my husband's (of a week) last Christmas, bed together a long time I didn't get him anything as knew he couldn't get me anything., which might upset him. He'not been dressed for ages and appetite non existent.I have my wedding ring, which even though I chose it myself will always be a memory of him. He is now asleep/ unaware from morphine and doesn't have long to go. 

    If your dad is more alert a present which brings comfort or allows him to reminisce would be lovely.

  • Oh Patsy66, so very, very sorry to hear about your husband. I know you've probably heard that so many times....don't we all. But really what else can anyone say? It's heartbreaking and I hope your husband is as comfortable as possible and I'm sending love and prayers to you. Xx