Looking after my mum

  • 5 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi all , I’m 35 and live with my mum she has secondary breast cancer which has spread to her liver, knee, and her lung, the thing is I cared for my dad when he went through cancer with my mums support until the day he died and now I’m looking after my mum and these last couple of days have made me remember the last couple of weeks of my dads life before we lost him, she gets confused and sometimes sees things that aren’t there and is in a lot of pain though that is being managed with pain medication, I have my sister for support but feel so like I’m failing since I can’t take her pain away, I know it’s coming the end but I’m so scared to face the end since my sister has her two kids and I’m still waiting to discover if I’m on the autism spectrum. I know this is a bit of a rant but could do with speaking to people who know how it feels looking after a loved one with terminal cancer

  • Hi  

    Sorry to hear about both your mum and your dad and the impact it is all having on you. My son has autism so can relate a bit in that area too.

    You are so right that we cannot take another's pain away - neither the physical or the emotional but somehow reaching out to others can feel helpful - perhaps the old saying of a trouble shared.

    Do post on here whenever - because we all need help sometimes and just typing it out can help us organise our thoughts a bit, remember if it helps the helpline is there if you need to talk to someone.



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  • Thank you means a lot I have my sister for support but we are both trying to keep strong in front of her kids

  • Hey lonelysoul, I am too looking after my mum, she has esophageal cancer so can't eat anymore, barely drinks, she is bed ridden now and is just skin and bone. I live with my 20 year old son and we are both struggling with it, my daughters help out but they don't live at home anymore. I find the days lonely, people don't know what to say to me, other than how is your mum, must be difficult. I want hugs all the time, my partner helps when he can but its hard for him to know what to say. I feel like I am failing my mum as she wants to die and I can't help her, she cries alot, tells me how unhappy she is, gets upset and angry, we are expected to just manage this. I wish there were easier ways than this for our loved one's. 

    To have gone through it with your dad and now your mum you have incredible strength, remember you are not alone, am happy to chat asI understand what you are feeling. sending you my best wishes.  

  • Your doing a amazing job it’s one of the hardest thing to do just be her comfort 

  • Thank you. Nothing ever seems enough. Stay strong.