Replying- lost for words

  • 1 reply
  • 44 subscribers

Hi everyone, I just wanted to thank and update everyone on mum. As many of you know mum was diagnosed with a brain tumour 2 months ago out of the blue the worse one you could get. Anyway I just wanted to update you on her MRI results. After the radiotherapy she had a MRI and then 2 weeks later she had another one. saw the consultant last Friday, she compared the two and mum's been told its gone, the consultant couldn't see anything!! obviously this in some way is a massive relief, but of course at some point this thing will come back. So in the clear till after Christmas when she has another MRI. Its the best news we could have under the circumstances. 

I wanted to ask ,mum is so exhausted after the treatment and can hardly put one foot in fornt of the other. Breathless and keeps sleeping. Is this normal? from what I have read it is but I just need the reassurance as does mum. I'm so worried about her she's 76 and it's taken alot out of her. Shes struggling with the stairs waiting for the council to ring so we can sort out having a stairlift put in. She keeps asking me I will feel better soon ,won't I? I hope so even if its just for a little while. 

Thanks everyone for your love and support it means the world. 

Flowergirl1 xx

  • Hi  

    Looking at the NHS web site we can see that tiredness is often a side effect of radiotherapy, though of course just going back and forth for treatment can seem exhausting in its own right. There is a link there with some suggestions that might help.

    Great news on the outcome of the treatment though, hopefully the council will get things sorted soon but I know they are under a lot of pressure - very much a postcode lottery too - the link between the NHS and community care can be difficult.

    How are you keeping though? It can be so tough going through all this. I know people say to me how do you cope - well when was I given the choice is perhaps the best answer I can give.



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