How to take a horse to water and get it to drink

  • 7 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Hey.. not really sure what I’m expecting here but came across this page and thought maybe other people in a similar situation maybe able to help.

the old saying ‘you can take a horse to water but you can’t force it to drink’ or something along them lines.. please tell me I’m not alone in wanting my mum to give themselves a fighting chance at beating this!

She have a fairly positive outlook in terms of treatment should be curative but as the brilliant NHS/ cancer team are doing their bit with chemoradiotherapy mum isn’t doing her bit of keeping up with eating and drink enough. I don’t know whether it’s a case of can’t be bothered or just purely thinks it doesn’t matter because the treatment will cure it but we are into week 2 of 7 and it’s only going to get worse.

I just don’t know how to get through to her and I can’t cope watching my mum not listen/ not do the best she can to give herself the best chance possible.

please send any advice my way! 
love and hugs to you all.

Puff the magic dragon x

  • Hi  

    Sorry to hear about your mum and fingers crossed for the treatment.

    What she is going through and your reaction are really very common, battles around food and drink divide patient and carer on a fairly regular basis and sometimes of course our loved ones end up being admitted so the doctors and nurses take on the battle.

    If your mum needs it she will end up being admitted so the treatment can go ahead, perhaps the only advice as a carer is remind them it is their choice to be with us at home or in hospital. It can help to put them in control, once they agree then you are just helping them achieve their target - you then become the one listening because as you say we cannot make them drink.



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  • Hi….omg I felt such alone, as this I hat is  happening to my husband. He’s 82..always been agile, fit, sporty. Me? I’m 61. He had Oesophagul cancer 7 years ago, went into remission. We carried on with our life…and now it’s back !!! He’s so poorly in hospital at the minute. Dehydrating, malnourished etc. He can’t have radiotherapy as  he is too weak and chemo is out of the question. All I seem to do is go on and on and on for him to eat and drink. I know the end is coming, but I don’t want him to go. He’s on fluids and has now contracted a respitory  infection which I’m worried to death about.  Yesterday he had 200 ml all day. I am literally sick with worry


    Jude X 

  • Thank you so much for your words of advice and support! Xx

  • Thank you so much for your words and support! Xx

  • I'm so sorry to read about your loved ones. My dad's dietician has prescribed Fortisip (sweet drink, juice or milkshake) and Actasolve (savoury soup). They're about 250 to 300 calories per serving to help increase my dad's nutritional intake (he has terminal colon cancer). I spoke to my GP about my dad's weight and she referred us to the dietician. The dietician was really helpful and gave lots of tips on how to fortify my dad's food. I know it's cheeky of me, I'm always adding extra calories to my dad's food without him noticing. 

    Alternatively, you can get nutritional drinks like Complan and Ensure from Boots, Superdrug or the supermarket (the palliative care nurse recommended that for my grandma, she has brain cancer and those drinks has prevented her from losing weight)

    Good luck with everything. I know how worrying and difficult it is. At the end of the day, we can only do our best and can't force them to eat or drink. I treat my dad and grandma like small children, coaxing and encouraging to drink and eat more.

    Jude100, sorry to hear your husband is poorly in hospital. My dad was intensive care for one month and the hospital wards for 2 months. He wasn't able to eat for 2 months, the doctors gave him nutrition drips. How is your husband doing? I hope you're ok, take care of yourself. 

  • Hey ! Thankyou for your support. He’s still in hospital, but yesterday when I went to visit, he was out of bed and sitting in a chair. Holding his own beaker of tea !! He still looks poorly, but I did see a glimmer of hope. ….he's on fortjuice, but only likes the apple, and he’s been on these sort of drinks for 7 years since his first cancer. But Thankyou for tip falling leaves, I will get some Complan. 
    hey puff…the dietician gave me a link yesterday to look at on the internet. There is a jelly drop especially to keep you hydrated. Johns cancer nurse told me to give it a go so I ordered some.    
    thanks for all your support

    lots of love

    Jude x

    Jude X 

  • Sorry website is …….i missed the s

    Jude X