
  • 9 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Hi, this is my first post on here. I am the main carer for my mum who is on end of life care. I recently broke down when the palliative nurse asked me how I was coping when she visited. Having spent 12 months isolating on my own not able to go outside even, I am struggling with feelings of isolation as I am with mum 5 days a week 24/7 then at my own house for 2 days on my own. I felt really guilty admitting how I was feeling when I don't have cancer I am just the carer. I don't know if this is the type of thing you post here if it isn't please remove it. I suppose I am asking how other people cope in this situation? Thanks for reading 


  • I have only just joined this forum, and yours is the first post I’ve read.  Isolation is so hard!  I could give thoughts and suggestions, but for now I just wanted to make a connection with you and tell you that I’m sorry for your situation.  I hope the palliative care nurse can give some help, as I think that was why she asked you how you’re coping.  With with wishes.  

  • Thank you replying. It is so hard and like you I have just joined the forum so still unsure of how it all works.  

    Best wishes

  • We’re all here for each other , if it be a rant, a cry, or happiness …there’s always someone here for you …you are not alone xxx 

  • Thank you for that. It is nice to know I am not alone

  • "I'm just the carer" - you are much more than "just" anything.  I too broke down when the district nurse asked if I was doing ok.  I still do break down at times.  Being isolated must be much more difficult for you - I at least can get out to the shops or a quick visit to a nearby friend.  You do not have to be alone - these forums can be so useful as just writing how I feel helps me and reading that others are in similar situations, how they cope and how they feel can make me feel better about how I feel.  I know you will have heard this from so many different people but do try and give yourself time and please be gentle with yourself.  

  • Thank you for replying. I am finding this forum so supportive and I do find a comfort in writing things down and finding support in knowing I am not the only one feeling like this.  

  • Hi 

    I’ve done similar - on the face of it “I’m fine” until someone genuinely asks how I am - and then twice I’ve completely dissolved (full on crying, hyperventilating etc) once in the doctors surgery waiting room (I only went to pick up a sick note) and secondly in the corridor of the hospital where my husband was

    not sure if that helps but your definitely not alone in how your feeling x

  • Thank you for starting this thread. I can totally relate. My dad has terminal colon cancer, don't believe it's been 12 months. I'm so grateful he's relatively stable because the doctors prognosis was less than a year. A part of me feels like my life is on hold, I'm also feeling isolated. My life revolves around working from home and spending time at my parents house. Most of my friends are fed up of me, at the beginning friends and colleagues were sympathetic but now I feel like no one will or want to listen to me cos it's too depressing. I'm all alone and isolated. I'm so grateful for this forum, it makes me feel less isolated cos there are unfortunately other people who are going through a similar thing. 

    I hope you all find the inner strength to get through this. There's always someone here on this forum to listen to you. 

  • This is in response to all of you on this thread. I totally feel your pain. Believe me you are not alone in this. 

    My dear Dad has terminal lung cancer&is fighting a losing battle. We are all doing as much as we can to help him&make him as comfortable as possible and even though I have a great family &we're in it together.....I still feel isolated&lonely. I feel as though I'm trying to be someone to everyone and yesterday had a total meltdown. The result of which I've been signed off work, but that now makes me feel even worse as feel I'm letting work down now! 

    All I will say is that reading other people's posts is very comforting and it's nice to know we're not the only family going through this. 

    Please take comfort that you are not alone. 

    • Sending love. Xxxx