Feeling sad

  • 1 reply
  • 44 subscribers

It's quite possibly my last birthday with my mum this year, next week. She's just been admitted to hospital (2nd time in a month) wasn't expecting this one as she's been much brighter so we had planned my birthday and as she only ventures to appointments we decided I would go round with my two little ones and we would watch a film, have some nice bits for dinner and possibly a little cake and now I feel a little sad she might still be in hospital on my birthday and I won't be able to visit her until the evening when my husband is home due to children not being allowed on the ward.

I know it probably sounds petty especially when so much is happening but I wanted this birthday to be special as I know deep down it's my last one with her Cry:(


  • Hi  

    Sorry to hear about your mum though hospital stays are not exactly unknown in our family. When our son was young we sometimes ended up doing homework on the table in the hospital but I am guessing from what you have said she is trying to avoid other infections.

    Fingers crossed that hopefully something can be done wherever you both are - thinking of you at this time.



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