Struggling with wife's tongue throat cancer after 3 months of constant set backs

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Hi  all I have been reading different group posts and have found them very useful in dealing with the problems that my wife's cancer as thrown at us she was first diagnoses with tongue cancer following a dentist check up in February 2023 and fair play to all involved it as been a roller coaster ride non stop.

The biopsy showed cancer on the right under side of tongue so all tests scans etc completed and on 19th July 23 was operated on which was a 12 hour operation which went well, when we met the surgeon for follow up he confirmed the tongue cancer was completely removed and rebuilt using a skin graft from the arm, thyroids removed clear, 3 glands from right side of throat through dissection of the neck 2 clear and 1 showing active cells. This resulted in my wife being passed on to Chemo / radiotherapy team who set up a plan of 6 chemo and 30 radiotherapy treatment over 6 weeks period which in total consisted of 3500 miles traveling over the 6 weeks which took its toll on both of us as my wife started suffering constant sickness after 3 weeks despite different anti sickness tablets. 

Finished treatment 29th September 1st October Triage line advised me to take her to local hospital as she was struggling for breath after being sick again after tea,

24 hours in A & E decided she was suffering a chest infection, was transferred to oncology ward where she remained stable after 6 days I was called to the hospital to be told they had to incubate my wife  and had put her on a ventilator in ITU ward where she as been for the last 12 days she is now off the ventilator but they had to preform a emergency trechropy on her on Wednesday last week.

I had called back some of our children as a precaution as it had become a very serious problem, so here I am 3 months from the start which was a good start to constantly checking my phone for that call you do not want to receive, I am coming to the end of my 9th week of hospital trips every day 6 on her treatment and 3 in hospital bed and it is really begin to hurt so much.

The hospital staff have been great and say my wife is improving but I struggle to see it as she sleeps a lot during my visit's and yes I know a lot of this is from the Chemo / Radiotherapy treatment I just need to see the light at the end of the tunnel which seems to have totally disappeared  at the moment. Now I have final got it of my chest. Thanks