updates during treatment??

  • 3 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hi everyone

My dad was diagnosed with Small cell lung cancer earlier this year after an x-ray for something unrelated!!   He has chemo/radio treatment (ended mid July)  and 10 sessions of preventative radio treatment in early August to the brain.   

He has his first follow up call/appointment this month but keeps saying he knows he is dying :-( :-(  It then struck me that he hasn't had a follow up scan so how can he have a telephone review meeting without this....then I worried he is hiding something..... 

We remind him that he must be positive and how could be possibly 'know' this when he hasn't had a follow up scan/test.   But this morning I dropped to see him for a coffee and he said he knows it has only slowed it down - then refused to talk about it.

I am worried that he has had reviews during treatment and has not updated us.  He went to a few appointments without my mum as he insisted.....now I am sat here freaking out!

Have your loved ones had regular updates/reviews during treatment????

Thanks, Nance 

  • Hi  

    Sorry to hear about your dad and the impact this is having on you all.

    Perhaps the best reference for you at the moment might be our library on talking about cance

    I know when my parents were ill my dad did not tell us everything because he wanted to protect us and let us get on with our life - took quite a lot of work to get him to understand that the best way to protect us was to share because otherwise we fear the worst and that is so not helpful. 

    Sometimes though the idea of being positive is rather easier to say than to do

    Hope some of that helps, 



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  • My husband was diagnosed in June with palliative radiotherapy the only option . He had 10 sessions then a follow up phone call in September . He has a CT scan booked end of October then a week later a face to face when they have had chance to compare the scans . Hopefully your dads is a similar situatiom . Sending positive thoughts 

  • My mum was diagnosed in July, has pallative chemo. 6 sessions but having a scan after 3rd session end if this month and f2f consultant appt beg of Nov to see if its helped..if it has she can continue for a further 3 and then will be re scanned again if it hadn't worked then they have told us there is nothing more that can be done. I am petrified. They definitely wouldn't be able to tell without a scan surely. Sending positivity your way x