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  • 45 subscribers

Hi, this is my first time posting. I am trying to support my partner who has pancreatic cancer. I am so incredibly angry as it has taken so so long to finally get a diagnosis. Only to be told that the only option is palliative chemo if an oncologist thinks he is able. We started this journey 9 months ago when he suddenly became diabetic. Since then we have had to push and push to get seen, get tests and to be taken seriously. 3 months ago we were told that it was probably cancer but we were refused more tests as this was a watch and wait situation… seriously. Now after another scan and biopsy they have decided yes the tumour is cancerous and has more than doubled in size. The pancreatic consultant has still not formally told us. We were told by my partners diabetes consultant.  I need strength to support my partner but right now all I feel is rage and sadness.   How can I get the medical professionals to act. I fear we are sleepwalking into disaster. I will not give up on him. Why have they.

  • I know exactly what you mean. It makes you want to scream at them. My partner became ill at the end of last year, she lost a huge amount of weight very quickly and was tired and listless all the time. I eventually managed to get her an appointment and they sent her away with a prescription for anti depressants. I really had to keep pushing for some attention for her, I knew something was not right. To cut a long story short, she was diagnosed with terminal cancer in march, and died in may. I still have an incredible amount of anger. Just keep on at them, you have to. I know its draining, but you really have to be relentless. sending you hugs and strength xx

  • Thank you for replying Crystalwitch. I am so very sorry for your loss. I personally find my anger very helpful. It keeps me fighting for him. We just received a phone call to attend oncology tomorrow morning so I pray they are going to actually help. If they refuse I will have to channel my inner Karen and annoy them until they do. 

  • I feel your anger too. My husband was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last year, although it was in his stomach. He was given the all clear in October. “No need to scan there is nothing to scan”

    He died today….i know that my grief will turn to anger.

  • I am so sorry for your loss. You have every right to be angry, its shocking the number of similar stories I have encountered. I am always around if you need a chat, just know that you are not alone xxx

  • Hope all goes well tomorrow Maggiemay x

  • I am so sorry for your loss, I don’t understand why the medical profession is so blaze with peoples lives. They seem to be in such a rush to get on to the next patient that they are not providing the treatment that our loved ones actually deserve. If my partner was a dog I would be prosecuted for letting him suffer and not getting him help in a timely manner. 

  • Thank you so much. We will be leaving soon for the hospital and knowing that others understand really does help