Unwell carer (,,namely me(

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  • 44 subscribers

Hi everyone,

I tested positive yesterday for COVID, I have had it before so know that after the 3rd day as long as I get plenty of sleep and fluids I will get back to normal, unlike my husband who won't get better.

But every time I try to sleep he wakes me up to say what a waste of a day and will I be better tomorrow to go out, I think I have said before he is obsessed with going out every day.

Our children are very good but I think have had enough of him at the moment, as they went out their way to get him into a local hospice to help sort out his pain relief and after 2 days he discharged himself.

Even the doctor at the hospital tried to get him to stay another night but he refused, this also happens every time he goes into hospital for dehydration, so far 3 times in 3 months. Although his brother holds his health power of attorney he has capacity so is able to leave whenever he wants.

  1. Another thing, and I don't know if this is common, he has got paranoid that we are talking about him and flies into a rage when the palliative team phone up (I will stress he has never got violent) so even they find it difficult to speak to me. I take the dog out most days but of course the team are busy and say they will call me back
  • Oh I hope you get peace to rest, Donny d. Sending healing love and light and hugs to you. 

    My husband has a stage 4 brain tumour (Glioblastoma) He was first diagnosed in Sept 2020 and ever since we've had spells of being completely obsessed with things. He's been under the care of the local palliative team since the end of Feb this year and also gets paranoid when I am talking to them. In fact, he's paranoid about me talking to anyone about him and as a result he listens in/eavesdrops on all my conversations. Like you I try to take/make calls when I'm out or when I know he's out. It's so draining to be constantly walking on eggshells around him.

    Currently he's obsessed with everyone doing things, seeing people. having fun and being happy. He just doesn't get that its a challenge just getting through the day some days just now. He just doesn't get the impact his diagnosis has had on the kids ( 23 & 25) and I.

    Hang in there. 

    Hope you feel better soon. 

    love n hugs

    Wee Me xx

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