My heart is breaking

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  • 47 subscribers

He's 75 and I'm 73 and we have had 46 years together. Wonderful. But as he lies in hospital, waiting for an urgent nephrostomy to be followed by 5 days of inpatient intensive radiotherapy he's becoming increasingly despondent and cries when I leave. He's had a prostatectomy, radiotherapy, hormone therapy, chemo; but his cancer continues to defy treatment and keeps growing and spreading like wildfire. The main tumour didn't shrink even one millimetre while he was on chemo. It's seeing him suffer that is so crippling. How does everyone keep going?

  •   sending you a big lot of love your way. It is so hard and heartbreaking. This path we are on is such a cruel one. My mum is fighting this awful disease and I am right by her side. I have no idea how we keep going but somehow we do, not easy at all.

    My mum had a nephrostomy too in July and she is struggling so much, she is so depressed and Its heartbreaking to see.

    Be kind to yourself, you are doing amazing x

  • I'm so sorry you are going through this horrendous experience. I am similarly loosing the love of my life to this awful disease. There are no easy answers, no quick fixes just the daily grind of going through a living nightmare and having your heart broken every minute of the day. Please remember you are not alone, take a little time when you can to look after yourself. You are going through the roughest journey if your life but you are doing it for the one you love the most. Much love and wishing you all the strength you need.

  • Hi, my husband is 76 and I am 70 - we've been married for 47 years and he has been diagnosed with bile duct cancer.  The only way that I am managing at the moment is to take one day at a time, I'm not planning much for the future but I am still doing some of what I used to consider normal - so I go swimming once a week and talk to my friends (not all about cancer).  I have good and bad days but I am learning to allow myself to experience both types.  Please try to keep in touch with family and friends.  I've also found it very useful to read the posts on here.  I am sorry you are having to go through this.