Caring for my mam - little support from siblings

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  • 45 subscribers

My mam has cancer and found out back in June (she is yet to start treatment because she's had a few operations that have pushed back the start date). Since finding out, it has been an uphill battle to try to get my four siblings (I am female, male siblings) to share the caring responsibilities. I've went to all of my mam's appointments so far, and had to work very hard to get my brothers to agree to attend some radiotherapy appointments with her when she starts. I'm going to most of her radiotherapy appointments, I'm cleaning and cooking for her (I live 1.5 hours away, whilst I have a brother who lives with her and one that lives 10 minutes walk away), I'm taking on all the emotional and physical burden. 

I know I can't make them care or step up more, so me and my mam are looking into getting a carer for her to help me out. 

I'm sure this is a tale as old as time, but how do I block out my anger and resentment towards them and just focus on what's important - caring for my mam? 

  • Hi - I totally get what you are feeling. It’s an incredibly stressful situation for those of us left with the caring responsibilities. Why doesn’t your brother - who lives with your mum - do more to help? Could you get a cleaner in to take that bit away from you? 
     My partner and I have moved in with my mum following her successful bowel cancer surgery at age 89. She can’t live on her own any more. I do all the drs and hospital appointments, cooking and shopping. Now my brother and wife, who promised to share the responsibility with us, have decided to move to live by the sea and live their best lives. A 6 hour round trip away. 
    like you I just feel so angry and resentful all the time.I’m crying and sad and miserable a lot. 
    my mother still believes she is fit and able (she is incredible for her age) but would not even consider having someone in. She cared for her mother decades ago and so thinks I should just put up and shut up, as she did. Her old fashioned attitude makes me feel that I’m not as strong as she was so it’s my problem and I should not moan.ever. We used to be so close but now I feel as though she hates me and is very unhappy living with us. 
     Life sucks atm. 

  • Unfortunately I don't have the answers and I am feeling exactly the same as you (I have a male sibling) and he can go round to see my mum and stay the son but I'm no longer just the daughter, I'm thr Carer, the cleaner and PA, I'm not complaining as of course I would always do this for my mum but a bit of help and support would be amazing. My brothers life hasn't changed and I am starting to resent that. Just want to say you're amazing and your mum will really appreciate everything you are doing. Hope you're doing ok xx

  • Thank you for your comments I hope your brother can help out.  Stay strong Muscle