Caring responsibility

  • 2 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Husband is currently in hospital pending spinal column surgery

He’s been bed bound for the last month -  can’t walk any more, catheterised, with pressure sores too - am terrified about what will happen when he’s discharged and how we cope?

he’s a big bloke and I can’t move him (we live alone) and I work full time too. The thought of becoming a full time carer, having to toilet him, move him around etc just fills me with dread and how I work alongside all that (he doesn’t)? Frowning2

  • Hi  

    Sorry to hear about your husband. given the current situation a plan will need to be put in place before he can be discharged from hospital and that includes how who will cope. There is a certain issue with this in that care at home tends to fall to your local council rather than the hospital and the division can be challenging.

    I know after my wife was really ill the council came to my home and provided a number of adaptions - a frame around the toilet, grab rails in the bathroom and a new sturdy rail on the stairs. We had to have a bed in the living room for about a month before she could climb the stairs to the bedroom.

    My employer was quite good around working from home and somewhat unusual working pattern and somehow we coped. At one point it did look like Janice might have has some time in a local cottage hospital - cheaper than the main hospital since they do not have the high dependency beds but we did not need that in the end.

    Longer term you should get a needs assessment for your husband and a carers assessment for you. Also worth talking to your GP as they may be able to offer you enhanced support - after all when a carer becomes ill the NHS automatically gets 2 patients.

    Keep posting on here too, it can help to keep you in touch with others who understand the real hard work this life is but also where we find the positives in what we do too.



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  • Thanks Steve- I’m usually a planner but just seem unable to think more than one day at a time at the moment 

    once he’s had his op/biopsy and we really know what we are dealing with maybe it will all be clearer

    thanjs for replying