New here; looking for adivce on how to support my parents

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My parents (in their 70s) are currently at the start of my dad's chemotheraphy treatment for prostate cancer, and neither of them are handling it well. I really think they both need to talk to a coucillor of some sort; my mother isn't coping at all - getting angry and stressed and even suggested he stop chemo after one treatment. My dad is zeroing in on every ache and pain, and I am concerned that this is not only impacting on his day-to-day, but also on his longer term mental health and ability to cope with treatment.

He has 1 x chemo session every three weeks and they have five left. Following that, he will have 5 weeks of radiotherapy.

Does anyone have any advice on things I can do/offer/suggest to help them both with getting through the next 16 weeks? Dad is not great at sitting still, or accepting he is ill, and mum has very high anxiety at the best of times. I was planning on perhaps staying there for a couple of days after treatment and sharing the load of this with my brother, but I don't know what else to suggest to them.

I was thinking audiobooks to keep his mind occupied, but I'm at a loss as to how to really help them :(

Any ideas on how I can help would be greatly appreciated

Thank you

  • Hi there

    i care for my mum, she has lung cancer, to frail for treatment and she is 77. Stage 2

    I understand where you’re coming from, it’s so difficult to know what to do for the best.

    My mum has other ailments that seem to be exaggerated by cancer, sometimes it hurts just to touch her… she feels sick a lot and her digestive system stops and starts. 
    the morning can be so different to the afternoon, it’s hard to predict and plan ahead, it really is an hour or two at a time. Have a few options handy to do, but maybe listening to the radio/ audio books together may be just the thing too.

    I wonder is there a macmillan card/ number/ name that your mum and dad were given, ask if you could have the number, or ask if you can speak to your Dads team? 

    I know this won’t solve your situation, I hope there’s one or two things you may be able to relate to, maybe trigger some ideas.

    best for now


  • Oh, 

    appreciate your dad may not want to sit still… our neighbour is the same… it gets him through, he has regular check ups and treatment, he has to be up and doing things, it’s his way of getting through… I think it’s learning at first, everyone is different, the learning part is tough, but you’ll get there. X

  • Thank you x
    Yes, I'm hoping they'll settle into it a bit. I'm afraid I told my mother she might have to just 'shut up and deal with it' for six months; it's hard to see her being so crappy to my dad :/

    I'm going to stay with him tomorrow as my mum's away with my husband and the kids, so I'll try and get a handle on how he's feeling and what we can do to help him, without Mum sticking her oar in.

    I hope you and yor mum are doing OK x

  • Oh thank you

    take care