Hard times

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So overwhelmed at the minute.

My husband has only 9 sessions of radiotherapy left for bowel cancer. He has 3 weeks break then starts chemotherapy.

It has been a tough 4 weeks on him, the side effect have just started kicking in and I feel awful as the only thing I can do is just be there.

I am working, trying to keep on top of the housework and try and be there for my husband. We have a 14 year old son and my husband now feels guilty that my son has missed out on his summer holidays.

I don't know how I am going to cope when my husband starts chemotherapy. I know I am not the one going through it all and just seems crazy me moaning all the time. 

When I have read about chemo I don't understand a few things.... do you go every day for treatment? Do you get scanned at all before you start to see if the radiotherapy has worked?

Thanks for reading x

  • It is overwhelming when you have to watch your partner go through treatment and try to stay strong.

    My husband has stage 3 Lung Cancer - had radiotherapy combined with chemo last year, which has reduced the tumours even tho he couldn't complete the chemo course because of infections. I've just had treatment for breast cancer, and I can honestly say that somehow for me it was easier being the patient than the carer looking on. Do reach out to the Macmillian support line - they are fabulous , also see if there is a carers support charity operating in your area - you can access a lot of practical and emotional help from them. Our local one advised me to have a carers assessment and to set up a carers emergency plan .  You do need to take care of yourself and that includes having somewhere to vent and rant if necc!

    I think each type of cancer has its own timeline for chemo (for my husband it was once a week but not sure if this is always the case) and I think normally  there are a number of sessions and then a short break for recovery - ask your husband's oncology nurses - in my exerience they are very approachable and knowedgable.

    Being there is one of the hardest things you can do, as you have to keep it all together for your son as well. Do take care. x

  • Hi, so my hudband had treatment last year for bowel cancer, he didnt have radiotherapy but he did have an.operation and chemotherapy. He is now in remission. My husband had chemo once every 3 to 4 weeks, they will monitor his bloods etc to see if the body is coping, sometimes the results will indicate a rest is required so that weeks treatment might get put back. This happened a few times for us, it's quite normal if it happens. My hisband was scanned at the end of his treatment, ie after chemo. Again I think it depends but the consultant should advise. Remember to take support for yourself as well as your husbsnd. My local macmillan were very good when I needed a bit of emotional  support on the journey. Hugs to you both.