Hello - New and scared

  • 3 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hi, new here and a bit lost and not sure why to do.
My mum was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and cancer of the uterus earlier this month. She has other health conditions, she is in her 80’s and has heart failure and kidney problems.

She has had all the CT scans, MRI, blood markers etc but is due to have a hysterocopy next week to take a biopsy, she has a 17cm tumour on her ovary. This will be done by ga or epidural and has involved cardiology input and due to the Drs strikes  has been delayed.

Once results are in they will go to the team in London and they we will be brought in to discuss the grade/stage and if treatment would be an option. 
The dr has said the only treatment would be a full hysterectomy and debulking and chemo. I know she would not be able to make it through such a big operation and chemo may be an issue due to her kidney function. Mum has said she doesn’t want chemo and would rather have what time she has left not unwell in treatment, which I respect.

I am so scared as I thinks I should be doing something, preparing, I just don’t don’t know what. I am so scared for her and know what could potentially be ahead with no treatment and don’t want her scared and in pain. 
Is there anything should be doing now to prepare? I just don’t know?

I just feel so scared, my husband had a brain haemorrhage a few years ago and we nearly lost him and me and children are still struggling with the trauma of that and now I don’t know how to do it again on my own. 
Thank you. 

  • Hi  

    Sorry to hear about what your mum is going through, it can be so hard knowing about what is coming.

    Your mum will be certainly be able to get treatment that will help to control the pain and it seems your mum has already made a decision as to how she wants things to go.

    It does sound with the things your husband were really difficult, I wonder if there is anyone who could help unpick the trauma from that as well as the latest too, would it be helpful to talk to someone on the helpline here?



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  • Hi

    I don't really have any advice but am in a similar position. My 87 year old mum has been diagnosed with cancer of the uterus after a biopsy. We're waiting now for scans and treatment plan. She has heart trouble and I'm just scared for her and what she will have to go through. I'm not sure if she realises how hard this will be and I'm not sure how best to help. My husband passed away 3 yrs ago and it's tough finding the strength to do it again. Just wanted to say you're not alone.

  • You are not alone.  This takes me right back to first week after mum was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer.  I quickly learned that taking 1 day at a time was needed but is easier said than done.  My mum is stable, cancer can't be cured, but she is feeling well and has a good quality of life right now.  18 months later, we have adapted partly to a new normal that means we plan less in advance.  But somedays my emotions take me completely off guard.  Allow yourself to feel whatever emotions, they are all normal, anger, guilt, impatience, cheated, I have felt it all.  Including feeling that my life is now on hold.  This forum has been a lifeline for me many times.  Just hearing someone feels the same as you helps us keep going. Sending a big hug xx