Cancer and a house move and unable to shake low moods

  • 4 replies
  • 46 subscribers

My husband found out at the beginning of this year that he has terminal brain cancer.  We also found out that our landlord is selling the house we've been happily renting.  Next month we are moving and due to the state of the economy, affordability and current availability of nearby rental houses that allow a pet, we are downsizing.  I am worried about everything.  The search for a house and packing and preparation to move has taken over at a time when we should be doing bucket list stuff and making the most of things.  I haven't been keeping family updated and last week my sister in law thought I was upset with her but I didn't reach out because I was simply exhausted.  My husband is the one battling cancer but I really feel like things are taking their toll on me.  My young adult kids offer moral support and it helps sometimes but other times I just feel down.  I have reached out to Macmillan and Samaritans for emotional support and that did help, but at the minute I don't really know how to put into words what is eating me.  .I'm trying to hold it all together.

  • Hi  

    Having to move house in these circumstances - you have hit what are considered two of life's most stressful events at the same time and neither of them are actually in your control - most people would crumble under that pressure but somehow you manage to carry on.

    If we look at your feelings when someone has cancer I know it is easy for me to recognize a lot of issues I have but somehow recognizing these feelings as normal can help to establish some level of control.

    Glad you found reaching out helpful, talking can be a great kind of support and I certainly found it surprising how talking with complete strangers felt much more helpful than talking to friends and family. 



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  • I guess the problem is half the time I feel like I am crumbling and the other half of the time I’m on auto pilot.  My husband is demanding a shed for his mobility scooter and hand rails installed as soon as we move in and won’t be swayed and I just want to get in that sort what is needed.  I seem uncaring if I don’t agree with him.  Guess I’m overwhelmed.  I haven’t even started sorting our bills yet.  Everything happens so fast

  • Hi Shebelieves.  Last 2 times I moved house, the removals firm offered a service where they pack for you. It was money well spent. It's maybe just one little thing off your list of things-to-do. Wishing you all the best. LR.

  • Hey Shebelieves...

    A couple of practical thoughts on this, if I may...

    1. Don't feel under pressure to do "bucket list" stuff.  It can be just another weight to carry when you are already dealing with so much.  There is time to sort this out once you have reached an equilibrium.
    2. If you are struggling to keep people informed, setting up a whatsapp group can be a good way to go just to reduce the admin burden.  A friend of mine has set one up to keep people notified of her treatment.  They have found a setting such that only administrators can post to it.
    3. It might be worth a call to occupational health (get the number (and a referral if you need one) from your GP).  They may come and make modifications (e.g. handrails) to the new place.  I don't know how you would schedule this with the house move, but you may find them quite accommodating.

    And, as usual... you aren't being uncaring.  You need to manage your own cognitive and emotional load.  Everything is harder and takes longer when you are carrying a lot of stress.  Hopefully your husband can understand this.  I'm sure he knows deep down that you are doing your best.
