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  • 44 subscribers

Hi all,

Needing to vent a little..

My mum has stage 4 lung cancer with brain metastases, she's just finished  5 days of whole brain Radiotherapy. She's coping fairly well at the moment.

I spend Monday to Friday with her taking her to appointments, scans any treatments, anywhere she needs to go etc..

On the weekend her 'boyfriend' comes up to look after her, my mum doesn't feel confident around him, she has sight and balance problems and he tends to panic but he does try.

My brother who only stays ten minutes away from her doesn't help, he pops in for coffee maybe once a week. My mum says "but he's working" or "he has a family to look after"

I'm feeling it's unfair, I'm getting all the pressure on me, I live an hour away from my mum's and I  have a partner and a mini farm.

I feel guilty when I'm away from my mum's but then guilty when I'm away from my partner, I know my mums going to get worse and need more care and I'm prepared to do that but I feel others could/should help more but they don't even offer and when I ask they have other things to do, so I'm left trying to do everything and keeping them up to date with how my mum is doing.

When I get home at the weekend I'm so exhausted from the week of being on high alert around my mum that I don't have quality time at home. I haven't seen my friends in weeks. My life has been paused, I hate cancer it consumes everything and everyone in its path.

Sorry for the moaning but I needed to put it out there in a safe place.

  • That sounds really hard! Could you get these ‘others’ together and talk to them about what it involves to care for your Mum, maybe list the things,  that this isn’t going to get less but more and be open with them about the fact you love your mum but are struggling? That you need more support and what practically can they offer and when to share the tasks? I don’t know much but I do know that having time for yourself and seeing friends is crucial for your own well-being to continue. Better that than it all coming to a head for you. I hope that some of the responsibilities can be shared. X