Feeling helpless

  • 2 replies
  • 44 subscribers

My partner was diagnosed with High Grade B cell lymphoma on the 27th of April, was given a treatment plan to start in 2 weeks, he had bloods taken that day and was admitted to hospital that night due to very high calcium levels (3.7) , the cancer was also causing him to be  breathless and he had been coughing constantly for months, although he had started the diagnosis process  5 weeks prior he had not bloods done since early March so I am so angry that the calcium levels had not been picked up even though he called his GP twice during the wait times for the biopsy about his symptoms.

He is affected in his neck, chest, abdomen and groin.

The calcium levels were also affecting his kidney function so that became priority 1, we were told they wanted to start the RCHOP straightway but needed the calcium levels down , he was given fluids and steriods the calcium they fluctuated for 3 days but the breathlessness was so bad that he started RCHOP on day 4 , I cannot believe how much my lovely 51 year old partner has detrioatred so quickly, anyway, 12 days after admittance he was allowed home, he has lost so much weight and needs to eat, the positive is he feels hungry but due to an extremely sore mouth is unable to ,he was given difflam mouthwash bit that has not helped, I went and bought the spray, aloclair gel and mouthwash but they are not helping, this has been a week now and think I will call the cancer team today ,I'm exhausted as have a very busy job, thankfully can work from home and they have been very good, but it's the feeling of not being able to help him more that I'm really struggling with, he is irritable, understandable but so out of personality for him, just don't know what to do.

  • Its the worst feeling in the world watching someone you love suffer, the feeling of helplessness is almost too much to bear. All you can do is your best, which you are already doing. Just make him as comfortable as he can be, is he on pain relief? Your cancer team should be able to advise on this. You are doing all you can. What about soups and smoothies, ice cream, jelly, eggs etc, could he manage those? Is he managing to do any activities to take his mind off it? Energy levels must be low with the weight loss, what about watching dvd, tv, reading, puzzles etc, may help. Sending you virtual hugs x

  • Thank you so much for replying Two hearts, because everything happened so quickly the discussions we were told would happen regards dietician,  side effects etc were missed , all the conversations with the medical team were very clinical if that makes any sense, what I didn't mention was that he was also treated for hospital acquired pneumonia so was on strong antibiotics then when his temperature raised again they were changed to stronger ones , I'm not sure if these caused the oral thrush which in turn moved onto the sore throat and mouthful of ulcers,  he is not nauseas or in too much pain outside of the pain in his throat and mouth , which has been going on for a week now,  he is very weak as did not start the RCHOP from a good place due to how ill he was from the high calcium levels, so I'm unsure if this is all normal, I'm going to call the chemo nurse today and see if there is anything else they can give him for the pain as all he is taking is paracetemol xx