CUP diagnosis

  • 3 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Hi all

I’m new to the group and have joined in the hope that other people can share some similar stories of what we as a family are going through at the moment 

3 weeks ago my mum was admitted to hospital with suspected gallstones or pneumonia, after numerous tests she was told she possibly had liver cancer, they took a biopsy of the liver and after a 2 week agonising wait it was in fact confirmed that she had CUP, the drs explained that it was incurable but there may be possible treatment she can have and that it seemed to be an aggressive form of cancer 

since my mums diagnosis she has been in and out of hospital with high calcium levels, the high calcium Is causing confusion and exhaustion to the point of slipping in and out of sleep during conversation, she is under the care of the palliative team, she is awaiting a meeting with oncology to discuss future treatment but they won’t have the meeting until she is at her best, i fear that the more they prolong the meeting the longer we have to wait for treatment and the more the cancer has chance to progress 

  • Good Morning ShellyW

    I am sorry to see that your Mum has been diagnosed with cancer and that it is incurable. It must be a very worrying time for you and your family. I see that you have already joined our Supporting someone with Incurable cancer forum and that is a good place to share with others who are going through similar experiences.

    I understand your concern that although Mum is under the care of the palliative team she is still waiting to meet with an oncologist to discuss future treatment. While I understand that they are waiting for Mum's calcium levels to settle and that at the moment this is causing her to be sleepy and confused- I do think that maybe you could have a word with her CNS/Palliative team and express your concerns?

    Maybe you could ask if this meeting could be bought forward or if not how long do they feel that it will take for her calcium levels to settle. You could explain that you are concerned about delaying treatment and they would be able to reassure you about the next steps.

    I hope this helps a bit



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Jane

    many thanks for your response

    i emailed mums palliative nurse last night and requested a meeting with oncology with or without mum to discuss conflicting information we have been given and a future plan for mum amongst other questions we have

    There is a lot of uncertainty which is unsettling for all of us 

  • Well done. I hope that they get back to you and you are given a meeting asap.

    I can understand that it is very unsettling for all of you with the uncertainty of what will be happening next. In my own experience, I always felt better for knowing what was going on and what the next plan was. I could then focus on what I needed to do. This was also the case for the people around me. The waiting around is horrible. I hope you get some answers soon and that Mum's calcium levels are sorted so that she begins to feel more herself.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm