Feeling overwhelmed and emotional

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This is my first post. My mum has had multiple myeloma for at least six years. She had chemo which put her into remission but left her with peripheral neuropathy and, strangely, a foot that moves on its own. The toes contort in ways they just wouldnt if she moved them voluntarily. I've watched her deteriorate over the years, more so now and its getting so difficult for me to watch..im getting really irritated with her and its not her fault, she cant help it. Things are worsening, she has pain in her ribs and stomach, has chronic kidney disease stage 3  and feels dizzy when she stans up. She keeps being put on a 'maintenance' dose of chemo only to be taken off because she ended up in hospital once..same reaction when put back on but she didnt let on because she knew she'd end up back in hospital. She's been off it since Easter but has an appointment with her consultant  May the 4th so im taking it he'll discuss her options then.The latest trip to hospital has been for a bone scan because of the rib pain, hoping to get results soon.

She lives on her own, i visit often but can see there might be a day i need to move back in to care for her but im not sure i can cope with that. Feeling stressed and irritable, tearful and angry all at once.

I do have a brother and sister. My brother visits once a week and my sister...well...once in a blue moon. It's a hard journey for all involved..not sure what i expect from writing this but thanks for listening 

  • Hi know exactly where you are coming from feel myself getting irritable without any  real cause tiredness is a major player here . Husband recently told that cancer at base of skull not cureable but has just started immunotherapy after successful chemoradiotherapy for tonsil soft palette cancer ( within 9 months). Tears come easily but found they can be a relief of tension then able to cope again for a little longer . I'm in the same boat as yourself being a sole carer brother in law came up with his wife this week first time since Christmas (lives in the same town !!!) then said he could see a difference in both of us . REALLY!!  

    I think you're mum is really lucky to have such a caring daughter as yourself and please take care

  • If you need to talk I'm here to listen. You're such a strong girl and your mother should be proud she has such a amazing daughter. I'm currently going through the same with my nana and it's heartbreaking to see my nana like that too xx

  • I'm an only child, I'm dealing with perimenopause and find myself being really sharp and irritable with my mum.  She has Stage 4 breast cancer.  We've been so close since my teens, but her acting like everything is fine, makes me want to scream, then I feel selfish, guilty and ashamed.  Today has just been a real wobbly day

  • I am an only child too, its hard dealing with stuff when you have no siblings for support. Sending you a hug xx