How can I help my dad?

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Hi I don’t know if anyone can give me any advice but I am broken and just don’t know where to turn for help. 
my mum was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer out of then blue at the end of December and passed away just 8 weeks later. My mam and dad were childhood sweethearts and have been together 60 years. I am heart broken my mam is my best friend and I know it hasn’t really hit me yet but my dad is a broken man. He has said he is really struggling to cope with the thoughts and that he misses her so much he just wants to go be with her. He is 78 and has always been my rock my hero and it kill’s me to see him cry. I stayed with him at first then I went back home but go every day to see him. He calls me and I call him but I just don’t know what to do to help him.. I feel like I can’t let myself grieve because I need Donne strong for dad. This is killing me 

any help would be appreciated 

  • Hello Snoopy19

    I'm so sorry to hear about your mam and how hard your dad is finding this (and you too!) I take it you have no siblings? I'm a bit like you, having lost my mam (9 years ago) and now my dad (70)  has recently been diagnosed with cancer and lives alone, though thankfully I live next door with my husband. I have no siblings myself.

    I'm not sure I have much advice, but I feel you're doing all you can to be there for him. Does your dad have any family or friends you can lean on for support? It's tough to be dealing with all this yourself, you need some time out too. I'm sure your dad values all the support you're clearly giving him. It's still fairly early days since your mam's passing. Is there any grief support/counselling you could look into? I hope things start to get better in time for you both. Take care and keep posting, I've found this forum a comfort. X