
  • 3 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi all

I'm new to the group but realise I need some support big time as I'm overwhelmed, overload and bloody exhausted.

It started last year, my mum died, I'd been caring for her for donkeys years and after all of that covid got her.... 

My best friends mum died a couple of weeks ago.  I saw her a few days before she passed away, she had liver cancer and I keep thinking back to how she looked, I've known her for over 30 years, I knew she was dying, she said to me she was going to see my mum for a cuppa....

At the same time within a couple of days my aunt who I am close to was diagnosed with terminal cancer, it's invaded her body massively, lungs, stomach, bones etc etc.  In a matter of weeks she has gone from walking around and although taking things slowly and relying on a lot of pain medication to being wheelchair dependent, there's a tumour on her spine and it's going nuts, she's lost sensation in her legs. 

I've started to spend a lot of time there with her and her partner, I clean I organise apts, but she's getting very confused and I'm extremely worried its gone to her brain.... 

I'm just at a point of pure burn out.  It's 6am, I haven't slept a wink, my head is going round and I don't know which side is up anymore.   I want to support my best friend like she did me but I feel like she is avoiding me because I just don't have much support left to give.

I would generally light a cig if I felt overwhelmed but I know for my son I want to be around as long as I can be and really don't want to end up like my aunt who gave up 3 years ago after loads of years being a heavy smoker... I've got the nicotine patches on, I have a vape, I have a bloody headache that's purely stress induced.  I know I have to keep going for my aunt, there's no way I can crumble now, my family are close but we've been through so much crap recently I don't want to add to their stress.

I'm just overwhelmed I suppose and I'm hoping writing or typing it out will be a healthy way to keep afloat.  Any other tips would be very much appreciated, I've continued with the caffeine and Internet shopping addictions so am being kind to myself in some respects... 

Just needing to feel like I'm not alone in this living hell... 

  • I’m new here too. I’m sitting here with my Mum who has secondary liver cancer - we found out 11 days ago when she unexpectedly turned yellow. She is now laying in bed, unable to move, mostly sleeping, hallucinating, and being administered palliative medications for the horrible rattle in her throat, and we are just waiting for the inevitable.

    11 days! From laughing and chatting and making plans to right here, now, waiting. It’s like being hit by a bus - but worse because we have to wait and watch this horrible disease literally suck the life out of her.

    Your experiences sound horrific. Do not be hard on yourself for feeling overwhelmed - sounds like you need a bloody medal! I’ve only been here for 11 days and I am beyond exhausted.

    You’re doing enough… you’ve done enough. Get some professional help, but mostly give yourself and massive pat on the back for surviving this far. You will be ok - just be kind to yourself and accept that you could do no more. 

    i don’t know how I’m going to survive this next few hours/days - however long it takes - and the aftermath which I am totally unprepared for - but I will do because my Mum would do it for me. 

    Sending love and understanding x

  • Hi lonstee

    I'm so sorry your going through this too, its just scary how fast things change, and yes the bus analogy is aptly correct, only some days it feels like 3 have turned up at once, which I suppose they have... only some days the bloody diggers are out digging up the road at the bus stop as well....

    I hope your ok, thinking about you and sending strength your way x

  • Hi I'm sorry to just jump on like this I am in exactly the same position as you except I'm on week four of watching my mother slowly dying she hasn't eaten drunk breathing funny doesn't wake up really any more just stick thin laying in a hospital bed in the house I'm doing all I can for her but I'm exhausted beyond belief even when I can sleep I can't get to sleep with the stress and it's four bloody weeks in its killing me I don't mind doing it in the slightest it's just I don't want to see my mum like this anymore I want her to go to be at peace as this is cruel. I don't know how I'm still functioning I'm absolutely broken the thought of never having my mother in my life is heart breaking but watching her like this is even worse she's already gone in so many ways