Recent diagnosis

  • 2 replies
  • 44 subscribers

I am just randomly posting and in a state of total shock and disbelief.My husband who was out cycling on March 5th was taken by me to A&E on March 12th as I thought he had suffered a stroke. A CT scan raised concerns, he was admitted and an MRI scan done the next day. I then received a phone call from a Consultant informing me that my husband had lesions on the brain and abnormalities on liver and bowel with no apparent primary cancer source. However after a suspicious mole was found a dermatologist considered this to potentially be a melanoma primary. I brought him home now walking unsteadily with a stick and took him back the next day, aTuesday for an excision of his mole. This has been sent for biopsy and we have to wait 2 weeks for a result. He was taken back to hospital this morning as his mobility and cognitive function deteriorated again. He has had anther MRI scan and been given a Zimmer frame.I am in total shock and disbelief and do not know how I am going to get though this.This is a very long post but I needed to get everything written down in the hope that someone out there might be able to help me understand how I will survive.

  • Hi Betty21 welcome to the forum.  I imagine  that you and he will be in total shock at what has happened and also the speed at which things have gone downhill for you both and little wonder. You wouldnt be human if you didnt feel shocked and I am so glad that you felt able to  write it down here so that we can at least let you know that you are not alone and we are here for you.

    Get through this you will, one day at a time and dont look or think any further than that at the moment, just take a day at a time and Survive you will and we will support you as much as we can.

    If you felt  that you wanted to chat with someone then please do give the lovely folks at the Macmillan Line a call as they can listen and may just help you  to talk to someone. 

    Meantime Im sending some huge big hugs your way. xxx 


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  • Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. My husband is currently in hospital awaiting the results of his latest MRI scan however when I visited tonight I asked to speak to the Dr who came and had a conversation with both of us and we were informed that due to the advance stage of his cancer which has extensive mets treatment is not possible and it will be palliative care only. I will pick him up tomorrow and bring him home where our two sons and I will nurse him. I am in a total daze Ned trying to stay strong for my boys who are young adults however he has been an incredible Dad and they are both devastated. My husband is the love of my life, I moved in with him three weeks after meeting each other and we have been together ever since and I really do not know how I will go on without him.