Loneliness and bad mental health

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My dad was diagnosed with Stage IV bowel cancer last November. It came as a shock to us all but I initially went through a period of something that resembled grief and then had no choice but to carry on. I felt like I was coping well with things. Now, however, almost 4 months on, I feel like I can’t go on. I am constantly feeling either incredibly anxious or so spaced out and dissociated. Everyday I cry for hours and hours about my dad and how sad I feel about the fact that I know hes going to die potentially quite soon. I am 21 and in the middle of my degree and I have completely given up on doing my uni work. I’m starting to give up on seeing friends as well because I just feel incredibly distant and spaced out when I see people. I try to talk to my friends about how I feel but a lot of them are either very busy with their dissertations (a lot of my friends are third years) and I don’t want to burden them with my problems or they are visibly uncomfortable when I bring up my dad and often have very little to say. It doesn’t help that I’ve moved back home and very few of my friends are left in my home town as many have moved away. I don’t really have an immediate in person support network. Initially my friends massively rallied around and checked in with my daily and many travelled across the country to come see me. I understand that life moves on for people but I feel stuck. I feel very lonely and don’t feel that anyone can really relate to what I’m experiencing which adds to the isolation.

I don’t really know what to do or how to cope with everything I’m feeling. I am starting to get extremely depressed and drained and I am trying to be strong for my dad but I feel like I am failing

  • Hey hope02,

    I'm so sorry to read this - it brings tears to my eyes to think about what you are going through.  I have a bit of a window on what you are going through as my daughters have had to walk a similar path over the last three years as their mum had a brain tumour.  Between the two of them, they have had to deal with GCSEs and starting college and A levels and starting uni, all amid the uncertainty of a terminal cancer diagnosis followed by their mum dying last December.

    It is a bugger of a journey and it is no wonder you are struggling.  I'm really proud of you for taking the step of sharing how you are feeling on here.  That is a major step.  How is your dad doing mentally?  And the rest of your family?

    So let's look at a few positive things.  You clearly have a strong network of friends.  It is hard that they are all away (my eldest has that problem too - though she is mostly away at uni) - but they clearly want to help you.  Lots of people are very uncomfortable around death and cancer... but you don't need everyone to understand you - just a couple of good friends who you can be honest with about how you are feeling - and who won't try to "fix the problem" (hint: they can't).  Are there a couple of people you are close to who you can reach out to and just tell them what you need: "I need someone to talk to once in a while.  I need someone to check in on me every couple of days.  I want to go out for a walk and talk about anything but my dad for a couple of hours."  Whatever.  Your friends will be upset for you, they want to help, but they don't know how to.  You might need to help them.  They will probably be grateful for the pointers.  And they will mess up and let you down occasionally... but that is OK.    

    As you say... you are depressed.  But it isn't the kind of depressed that has come for no obvious reason where you just need to "think about your situation differently".  There is a very obvious cause and it is understandable that you are depressed.  However... have you spoken to your GP about how you  are feeling?  Have you contacted the university pastoral care team? (My eldest got bumped to the top of the list of people for counselling at her uni when she told them her situation.  As a minimum you want to make sure your department knows what is going on so that you can get consideration for any work delayed / not done.) 

    I had counselling with someone from the hospice and I found it really helpful.  Not that they could fix anything, but they did help me to understand what was going on better, it did help me just to talk about things with someone else.  Even just grumbling with the counsellor helped me to clear myself out so that I could cope better with the stresses at home without getting angry there. 

    A chat with the GP might also be helpful - they may suggest some services nearby or some medication - which feels scary, but is definitely worth considering.  Meds can be useful to slow you down long enough to process what is going on.

    Lots of cancer charities are there to support family as well as those with a diagnosis.  There are likely to be lots of services in your area to support you.  Maggies (where you can go for a chat), your local cancer trust (I'm told wessex Cancer Trust is awesome), even the local hospice will be able to point you in the direction of local services.  

    In terms of uni.. try not to worry right now.  Things will work out.  You can get an allowance for what is going on, maybe pause your studies for a bit... it all feels overwhelming right now, but life finds a way... you are gong to be okay.

    And lastly, you are not failing.  You are trying to do something incredibly hard with no prior experience.  It's like being parachuted into a enemy territorywith no map and trying to work out how to survive.  It is normal and natural that you are finding things are tough.  We all feel like we are failing.  We all want to fix the situation, and the fact that we can't feels like failure.  But it isn't.  Success, in this situation, is simply doing your best each day. 

    So... deep breath... pick yourself up... start again today, please.  You can only live one day at a time right now.  You'll have good days and bad days and that's OK.  Just keep on doing your best.  Meanwhile we're here for you.  Post if you want to vent.

    Big hug...
