I need advice.. so burnt out and exhausted

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My partner (31) has stage 4 bladder cancer (spread to his lung and lymph nodes) currently on a trial and was told that he would have 2 years at best. I am 28.

For some context.. my partner was diagnosed on 1/12/21 very soon after we began dating. I have been with him through everything, chemo which included complications/hospital stays, multiple surgeries to have the tumour removed and now the clinical trial. Once I found out I moved to be closer to him 20 days later so that I could be there to support him.

It has been a horrible nightmare since he started treatment with anything that could go wrong happening. From chemo leaking into his chest, complications after surgery and more.

As we had only just started dating before he received his diagnosis, I don’t know him pre cancer which is where my concern is.

I was previously in a long term emotionally abusive relationship which has made me realise what I will no longer accept in a relationship. This includes being yelled at, receiving the silent treatment over little things and having my opinions/needs being ignored to name a few. Through those years I learnt to be independent and value my time alone.

My partner is the opposite, he does not like spending any time alone (he has mentioned that he has always been this way) and gets incredibly upset if I want to leave the house to see friends or family. He is currently feeling better energy wise and is working/able to help his friend move/go to the gym etc but he refuses to help around the house.

I understand as best as I can that he is in pain and I try to be as helpful as possible but I am absolutely burnt out. He has never washed a dish (or put them in the dishwasher), cooked me dinner, cleaned the floors, helped with laundry, made the bed etc since I have lived with him (over 1 year now). We have had discussions about this and he has said that he only has 2 years left and doesn’t want to spend his time doing these things. He often says “you do it better” and “there’s no point learning new things” when I try to show him how to do something.

I try my best to get through most days but some days I am so overwhelmed and suffering from panic attacks but he refuses to do anything to help me. Even when I am like this there is still the expectation that I will make dinner, dessert, clean up etc.

He makes comments such as:

“We should clean this” (knowing that he means I should)
“I can’t do that, it’s not a tall person job” (I hear this multiple times a day)
“I don’t care how the house looks”
“It doesn’t need to be cleaned”
“Why don’t you try having chemo and see how you feel”
I have been yelled at for not wanting to spend my day off in bed next to him while he sleeps (he works nights), for not bringing his diary or meds to his trial appointment (he had them out for himself to bring), for not being able to go to 1-2 appointments in total because of my work schedule, for asking for help with things, dinner not being ready quick enough etc.

I am posting this because I need advice/to hear other carers experiences. I feel this horrible feeling of guilt for being disappointed that he doesn’t help me while at the same time I feel that I am being emotionally abused and used.

  • Sorry to hear what you're going through, but your instincts are right. Though he is in pain and hurting gives him no excuse to take advantage of u and treat you the way he is especially when you're doing all u can to support him. He's not the only one going through it, you are too. Set some boundaries, talk to him if u can but don't accept being treated this way. U deserve better in any circumstance. Throughout my partners illness he was more concerned about me the whole time than himself. We just tried to be there for each other even though it wasn't easy and we had our moments. It's hard helping to care for someone but u need care too. Remember that.

    All the best

  • I’ve just logged on for the first time in a long time for some advice and reading your post makes me so relieved I am not the only one going through this. My partner had treatment for 1 year and now has check ups every 3 months. Leading up to these, living with him becomes a nightmare. He’s snappy, argumentative, doesn’t help me out at all, I’m trying to hold down a job, parent and keep the house going with no help whatsoever. But If I pull him up on any of it I just get shouted at “you try going through this! You have no idea!” I think the trauma of the cancer has hit me now and I’ve been signed off work. But he doesn’t care at all - just got angry about it. Ive supported him every step of the way so feels so upsetting to get nothing back. But then I beat myself up thinking I’m being selfish because he’s right, I haven’t had the stress and of cancer, only the caring for someone with it. Sorry I have no advice, just to say I hear you, it’s so hard 

  • Hi all,

    I know how hard this can be - and I know I broke. There is lots of good advice in Your feelings when someone has cancer but I came to recognize I needed some help.

    At one point I managed to get on a living with less stress course. Perhaps the most important part was learning to live in the now - I was kinda trying to work out how I will cope when... and forgot enjoying our lives day to day. Still somedays might be bad but overall more good than bad. Still of course life likes to throw us a curveball out of the blue - the conscious breathing exercises are great and dealing with those. Transcendental mediation though did not really work out for me.

    One way I deal with stress now is going for a walk, especially if it can be out in trees and stopping and listening, noticing the world moving on. Good to have someone to talk to - or even just type on here. It hurts we know.




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  • Hey there fellow carers hope I’m doing all this correctly & that my reply gets to the forum & not just disappear into the ether.My husband has cancer ,which is under control & being dealt with by a wonderful team of oncologists, the cancer also affected his spine resulting in emergency surgery & which has left him with a lot of mobility problems which affect him both physically & mentally.Alot of the independence he once had has now gone.Both of our lives as with every single other person who has experience of this awful disease in whatever form it takes ,changed drastically & irreversibly overnight,One minute we were celebrating our well earned retirement buying a motor home & planning our routes through uk & Europe , buying bikes, looking at saga cruises Slight smile all grand stuff. Suddenly in the blink of an eye we were thrown into the bewildering & terrifying world of bloods, scans, chemotherapy, surgery, oncology departments, Red Cross , carers , MEDS ! These were words we only ever heard  in connection of ‘other ‘ people ., when we would shake our heads & say oh isn’t that awful, feel  so sad for them , that’s terrible.

    Well  guess what ? nobody’s immune & your world can just stop! Forget plans, ideas, dreams, wish lists , they’re all gone with the uttering of 3 little words, You Have Cancer…….BOOM !! 
    After the initial panic, floundering around, blindly just going & doing what your told, scouring the internet for a treatment that you imagine for a blissful second your doctors & nurses might be unaware of  that could pull you out of the nightmare  your living in, watching your beloved partner in pain , in fear, in bewilderment at what’s happening to them & standing on the sidelines trying desperately to take it all in , remember what your being told , important timings of meds, infection control, when its bad enough to be blue lighted to hospital when it’s ok to be sorted out at home, tackling the strange new world of benefits & social care , how & where to get help at 2am when your partners delirious with pain or fever .My lovley fellow carers the list as you all know could go on & on & then on some more, but this gets us nowhere fast . So we can only embrace the good days when our much loved other halves realise that we are doing our very very best to give them comfort & support & above all love at a time when they are at their most vulnerable, & that a simple thankyou for that lifts us right up above & beyond the rainbow & carries us through the days when we need to keep our heads down show the patience of saints & bite our lips & cry silent tears when we are accused of not caring , or blamed for NOT having cancer & being told we don’t know what it’s like .

    Well no , we don’t know what it’s like because they’re right we DONT have it, but we DO know the pain of watching the person we love , our best friend , our support system our sidekick ,our world disappearing before our eyes, which is what’s happening to me & other people caring for partners or family members with cancer right now.

    As a carer you do get fed up of being treated like crap (apologies)we,re only human ,  but , fellow carers , we find a strength we didn’t know we had , we dig deep when the going gets rough , we stick it out & fight on for our loved ones & hopefully find solace in the fact that there’s a whole silent army of other carers out there who know exactly how it feels to be cancers whipping boy.

    So my lovelies , any carers out there still reading this who haven’t lost the will to live,  sorry I ended up on a bit of a ramble , know this & let it sink in,

    YOU are doing a great job, YOU are worth your weight in gold, YOU are a great person,YOU are stronger than you think YOU are worth it, & YOU deserve some time out for yourself don’t feel guilty or under pressure to be on call 24 hours a day YOU need & deserve to be YOU.

    Again , apologies for the ramble.

  • Hi

    I am going through this with my partner he has stage 4 neck and throat got diagnosed 2 years at the start off the first lockdown we have 6 children 3 off whom are specail needs, I work as pysio I have put my life on hold to care for him and getting him through this journey ,putting him first before myself , he is a nightmare constantly shouting at me an I can never do nothing right, he says nasty things,, I get nothing back as well, he use to say sorry for saying nasty things but now he doesn't,, I have went back to work part time as I need to have abit off me time and he has an issue with it, I have to be a mum and a dad and a carer and everything else I am exchusted , I feel so lonely ,its like I'm grieving for someone who is very much still alive, gets damading if I'm late home and if he having a bad which is most days then he takes it out me, I have no one to talk to, I go to the gym for me time as its the only time I get that I'm not a mum or carer but he makes me feel so guilty for going . I have no advise but wanted to let you know you aren't on your own

  • Hi  

    Thank you.



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  • Hello yummymummy 38 Purple heartblooming heck you’ve got your work cut out there my darlingHeart️don’t ever think you’ve got no one to talk to darling we are all here , you have a whole army of unseen friends who know & totally understand exactly what your going through & how your feeling, you will face no judgement on this site.I felt SO much better for having a rant online the other day it’s the first time I’d ever done anything like that, nothing much has changed I didn’t expect it to because the situation as it is , is still there , but the response I got from people who I will probably never meet were so warm & supportive & comforting , that I just felt massively better for just putting my thoughts into words & then sending them off into the ether , it’s like I was throwing my troubles away albeit for a short time, & it felt great !  So don’t stop writing it all down & getting it off your chest it’s way better than bottling it all up , you’ve got enough on your plate without adding to it. So keep going yummymummy38 we,re all behind you & you will ALWAYS have someone to talk to , YOU are a great person & YOU are NOT alone Kissing heart 

  • Thank you for this post, it helps me so much to know I am not the only one feeling this way.

  • Thank you for this. I feel so alone with all these same feelings, and so guilty. xx

  • I hear ya, loud and clear. Me and my husband started dating 13 years ago 1 month after his cancer diagnosis, but it was a passionate love I'd never felt before and his Dr's were positive he would over come it being only 30 very fit and healthy. He had mood swings and child like sulks buy I put that down to the effects of the chemo because like you 18omyhs earlier I had left an abusive relationship, is just found myself again so no way was I going to take that crap agon, my husband had relapsed 4 times since then and I've been through the treatment, the scans, the trails, the stem cell transplants and even one call the family in now momwmt he hasn't got long. Every time he's ill or going through treatment a narcasist comes out in him but once he's better all is well again. Fast forward to today. He's been palliative for 12 months aka the last year has been utter hell. I've cared for him, bathed him, dressed him and worked, liked after our 2 girls and ran out house. For the last year I've gone from being his wife to his hired help, he gives me and our 16 year old shit of the wind changes then there's the royal "we" meaning me, when he wants things doing then the relentless arguments when things haven't been done because he's in too much pain to do it, and I totally get that but I'm like come on, I've not stopped all day, it's not like I've done nothing and sat on my arse. It's not the end of the world if one little thing isn't done. I've sat and questioned so many times, if he wasn't palliative would I take this shit from him? The silent treatment which I'm currently getting as I write this or the almost controlling behavior I've been seeing? The answer is not a chance would I put up with this. I can stand up for myself but he turns rhibga round and some how make me sound like the shitest wife in the world and I feel like crap even though I know I've done my best for him and non of or is my fault, even my parents feel uncomfortable visiting now because he's so rude. I don't know what to say to make this any better but I'm hear of you need to talk, I'm only 37 and I feel like my life has been stolen from me, I can't make plans with my friends or the kids because he makes comments that make me feel guilty for wanting some role to myself so I only go to work now the arguments really aren't worth it. Big hugs to you lovely and stay strong for yourself if nothing else xxx