Please Help?

  • 2 replies
  • 46 subscribers

The wife was told yesterday her op date may not go ahead, due to some shortage of isotope????

Has anyone heard about this, and does anyone have any ideas of what i can say to try and change their minds about getting more so she can have her op?


  • Hi the other half welcome to the forum. I cant quite imagine how you might persuade them as the issue seems to be one of a shortage of the isotope rather than them refusing to use it. Have they given you any timeframe for this as maybe this is the thing to ask them, also what if any effect will not having  the op at the planned time have on your wife and her outcome?

    Sorry not to have been of more help at this point for you. x  


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  • They have been back in touch - we seem to have a cancellation for tomorrow now. Stress level returning to merely high.