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I am relatively new to this site although am a nurse myself with oncology background. 
my mom has been diagnosed with lung liver and spinal mets with unknown primary at the minute, but from raised pancreatic tumour markers, im guessing thats the source. She is 58, always worked, was working with abdo pain and some back pain until 2 weeks ago when we got the results and since then her pain has gotten a bit worse. She can only take paracetamol due to significant IBS and bowel issues (another issue entirely) and  to say i am really really struggling is an understatement. She has looked after my toddler every thursday since i returned to work 2 yrs ago (hes 3 this dec) and was planning on doing the same for my youngest when i go back to work in jan. She loved this, loved being with her grandbaby and was looking forward to building a strong bond with her youngest too. my boys absolutely adore her as do i.

i know from my background that she will be told it is stage 4 incurable and i am praying they say palliative chemo may work but im unsure. 
i can barely function most days im only 32 myself and feel like im already preparing myself for the absolute worst and grieving the woman who has been my rock since i was born. How will i cope without my best friend? Who will i call about the most mundane things that only she would like hearing about? How will i cope being a mum without my own mom? How will my boys have to live a life not knowing her love and warmth that only she would bring them? A bond so beautiful i ache when i see them together now wondering how long we will have her like this. I know the effects of chemo. I know the storm thats coming of a diagnosis like this and i dont want to watch her become more in pain, more poorly and everything that comes with treatment. 
i havent told her my inclination of what they will say and i am unsure if thats right or wrong but i dont want to scare her or worry her anymore than she is already. Shes trying to be strong and keeps saying how she can't wait to have treatment and finish it so she can go back to work and back to caring for her grandbabies but i just dont see that happening. I dont think im really asking for anything but just wanted somewhere to let it all out and see if anyone else is in my position ..

i want to be strong for her but my heart broke that day we were told and i dont think it will ever heal. 

  • Not knowing whats going on is driving me crazy.. shes had quite a rough day today, nausea and pain with only paracetamol.. she has her liver biopsy tomorrow so hoping they prescribe something for her.. no because shes under the consultants its the 62 day pathway but i will be calling and asking when the referral to oncology will be done as dont want to waste anymore time.

    i keep it all together throughout the day and then fall apart at night :( 

  • That sounds rough, I'm so sorry.Given they've  found mets, why on earth haven't they referred her to oncoclogy? Its  a good thing you have the knowledge of the system to help push things through. I don't have any words of comfort really, but I'm thinking of you and your mum. 

  • Hi,

    I couldn’t scroll past your post without responding as it really resonated with me. My mum has secondary breast cancer which she has been fighting for the last 5 years. However in recent months her health has deteriorated (pneumonia twice, blood clots on lungs etc) to the point that she has very little quality of life. I am a single mum to my toddler and also sole carer for my mum. I am in my late twenties and find it hard to believe that soon my mum who is my best friend will not be here. I was so exited for her to make amazing memories with her grandson but I fear he will have very little memories of her as I see her going downhill each day. I don’t know what else to say except I can completely understand how you are feeling and just wanted you to know that you are not on this journey alone. X

  • Its devastating isnt it that there are lots of different people going through the same thing, same age children losing their most treasured family members. I cant quite believe it really some days are really really hard and i spend all day a mess then others seem relatively normal and i get by but then the heartache comes. 
    im sorry you and your family are going through this too and hope she can continue fighting it x