Both of us have cancer

  • 2 replies
  • 44 subscribers

My husband was diagnosed with gastrointestinal cancer in February. After a lot of tests it was decided that there was no cure. He had 5 rounds of radiotherapy three weeks ago which wiped him out completely. He couldn’t eat or swallow and continuously felt nauseated  and even the smell of food made him feel  sick . He is eating better now but is so weak and frail   He says it is pathetic . He has always been so positive and confident and this affects both of us. He doesn’t want his grandchildren to see him like this and so we only see them on FaceTime. Our daughter has been coming and is wonderful and a great help and cannot do enough for us.  Our son who lives the other side of the country wanted to come but my husband asked him to come when he felt better. 
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in June and have had a mastectomy from which I am recovering well. I just wish that my husband had some hope and was in my situation . It hurts me to see him as he is  and in know how he feels losing control of his life. We celebrated our 60th wedding Anniversary in August so know we are lucky to have this long time together. I know we can’t live forever but why does life have to be so painful ? 

  • Hi

    Sorry to hear about what you have both being going through - though a 60th wedding anniversary does sound very special so hope you managed to make the most of that.

    We all know the statistic of one in two people having cancer in their lifetime but somehow we never expect it to touch us. Often too carers end up almost wishing it was us instead of our loved ones. It is so hard; I ended up doing a living with less stress course that really helped me.



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  • Thank you for your message . We did make the most of our anniversary thanks to our wonderful daughter who pulled all the stops out to make it memorable. The course you mention sounds interesting .I will look into that. I think our situation is complicated as we are both carers and cancer cases at the same time.  We are lucky as we have plenty of support. 
