The waiting game!

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I feel so bad writing this but I am so frustrated and angry about the length of time we have been waiting for test results! We were told over 4 weeks ago now that my husband had tumour in his colon and since then it’s been a constant wait, first the CT and MRI, then after chasing up thre CR nurses to be told oh we’ve booked you in for a PET scan now did no one tell you! Scan done But still no contact from anyone! So again we contacted them, to be told oh you’ll have to wait at least another week as we only have MDT’s in a Tuesday! that will tak us nearly 6 weeks down the line!!!  The stress of it all is crippling especially when I have hide it all form our children family as friends as my husband does want to tell anyone until we have all the results and a course of action in place. 
We were told on the day of his colonoscopy don’t worry you won’t be left dangling and alone there are a team of CR nurses who will be in regular contact! So angry as we have had one call from them in all the waiting time and it genuinely feels like we have been left high and dry!

I’m probably being very unfair and irrational but that just how I feel and need to vent ! Sorry guys ! 

  • I hear you are ready to burst! It is so frustrating to think someone must have an answer for you, but they are not sharing it. At this stage I imagine you are not yet fully "in the system" for being treated, so I can understand why you might not yet be on the nurses' call list - but that doesn't make it any easier. Hope you get the news you need soon. But from my own experience I'd say don't pin hopes on the feedback giving you anything more than 'the next step'. This whole experience involves learning to live with very short time horizons.

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