Trying to support my hubby but it feels like he’s given up

  • 4 replies
  • 45 subscribers

My husband has been going through a tough time recently. After going through the last couple of years with chemo and radiotherapy we found out recently that  his cancer had spread resulting in another 4 months of chemo. He’s had complications, his kidney function has been reduced, he’s had a stent out in and now a catheter. He’s home until we get word by letter next week what the next step is. My concern is that he’s given up, he’s not eaten since yesterday, wants to lie in bed 24/7, won’t bathe, shave. This doesn’t feel like a life at the moment it feels more like and endurance. How do I help support him emotionally, physically without sounding like a broken record? Feel like I’m at my wits end. Any advice will be gratefully received. 

  • Hi

    Sorry to hear about your husband and the effect his behaviour is having on you. I think the most important lesson I had to learn in our journey with cancer is that I had to learn how to look after myself. Looking at Looking after someone with cancer we can see how important our own emotions can be in this circumstance.

    If may also help to look at Talking about cancer and sometimes recognize some honest discussions need to happen to help keep us all sane,

    Thank you very much for sharing on here though - life is tough but together we make a really great team.



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  • Hi, I totally understand where you're at. My husband was given a 3 month terminal diagnosis 3 weeks ago. He doesn't shower, brush his teeth, change his clothes etc and I think he's depressed and has decided..what's the point!  I am trying to boost him but its really difficult both emotionally and physically so I have stopped pestering him about it. I've told him I am ready to help him when he's ready.. he has a lot of pain from his AML so I think he can't stand the thought of having to move around. Sometimes that's all we can do.. say we're here and we love you even though its so hard to step back

    Best of luck to you both

  • Hi Steve

    I liked how you said ‘our’ journey with cancer and I think that’s what my hubby needs to understand that it’s not just ‘his’ journey and we need to talk about it more. 
    Thank you so much xx 

  • Hi LeeBee,

    That’s a devastating diagnosis for your husband and you to take in. I’m so sorry. Yep, you’re 100% right, all we can do is let them know we’re here for them and that we love them. Love to you both xx