Terminal partner who is angry with just me

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I don’t know where to start

Back in May my partner went to hospital with a weakness in her left hand. They did a ct scan and found 3 liaisons in the brain. She was admitted into hospital where they did a full body scan and a mri of the brain. 
the scans showed secondary tumours ( 3 in the brain, 2 on the lung and one on each adrenal gland). She was kept in hospital and discharged to see oncology. They think the cancer had started from a melanoma she had removed 12 years ago. 
she was at home and started getting confused and was vomiting , so I called the 24 he oncology team and they arranged an ambulance to take her in. They did another scan and it shows the tumours had grown aggressive and gave her two weeks to live. As you can imagine it was the hardest thing to hear, I had to sit down her daughter , her dad her family and explain what I had been told.

she couldn’t remember any of this as she was so confused. I was by her side and stayed with her in hospital living on minimal sleep whilst making sure her daughter and everyone was ok.

a doctor came to see her on the ward and said they are going to just fire these targeting tablets at her to see if it works, they didn’t have time to do a bi opsey or other tests, the doctor said that we would know in a few days for better or worse if the tablets help. 
There was no change for about 10 days so they decided to send her home with palative care, district nurses and aids for at home.

the tablets are working and she started to come back to not being confused and able to move and walk around. She is very strong and has been through all of this. 
we are now 3 months down the line and I now feel that I’m being pushed away. I try to talk to her and she just makes everything into it being my fault. She was sayin about my work and I just turned round and said that I’m dealing with my work. She said I spoke to her like rubbish but all I was doing was explaining that I can deal with it and not for her to worry about it. Then after she just got nasty and said that the reason she was buying new tv and other things for the house is because she doesn’t trust me and I’m going to take them all. 

I’ve always put people first and will always help others , was brought up that way . I’m. Person that has had to bring themselves up from a young age and has never expected anything from anyone. I split up from my ex wife over 18 years ago and didn’t take anything from the house apart from my oldest boys furniture from his room he wanted to live with me. 
It has hurt me that he said she does not trust me and thinks these things of me. It’s always me that gets the anger and hurt and everyone else doesn’t. Has anyone been through a similar thing. I’m lost and not sure what to do. This has happened quite a few times now 


  • Hi I’m so sorry to read this sadly people always tend to take their frustrations out on the ones closest to them she doesn’t mean it she’s just angry it’s understandable have you asked for counselling I know bupa gives people 6 free sessions also you need to take time out for your self otherwise you will be ill it’s not being selfish last week I went to a dog show it did me so much good doing something for myself instead of caring for my boyfriend also if you don’t mind me asking what’s the name of the medication she’s having because at the moment I’m struggling to get any help for my boyfriend he’s dying also sadly he’s had 0 help 

  • Hello

    its so good the tablets are helping your poor Wife. I don’t know your Wife, but if this behaviour of hers is not usual for her, and I suspect it isn’t, could it be caused by the tumours in her brain ? Even a bad head ache, can make people unreasonable and possibly aggressive. I hope you can see this is not really your Wife being like this, is there someone medical you could talk to, perhaps the oncologist, or in the meantime give MacMillan support a ring, they may well have other suggestions you can follow.

    thinking of you, keep safe and well.

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories