Scared to be without me

  • 1 reply
  • 46 subscribers

Since my husband was operated for peritoneal cancer, he has developed a fear of me not being here. He can cope with an hour or so in the morning or mid afternoon but today he neds a shower and I had an afternoon tea so he develops mysterious pains and gets irritable. I feel resentful because I need my breaks too and got all ready to go only to find that after the pain he has gone to sleep. I went for an hour’s singing lesson this morning, but it looks like that is it for today. This is my month of holiday and I will go back to work exhausted

  • Hi

    Sorry to hear about your husband and the impact this is having on you both. It is so easy for us carers to use up our holiday looking after our loved ones and never get the chance to recharge our own batteries - and that is really important for both us and our loved ones - as is sometimes said we cannot pour from an empty cup.

    If we look at Looking after someone with cancer it is easy to see how common these sorts of feelings are. I ended up doing a living with less stress course that really helped me and in many ways my wife's cancer has helped to make us closer as a couple - the couple we need to be to cope with the crap life decided to throw our way.



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