Awake and overthinking

  • 4 replies
  • 44 subscribers

My mum has just been diagnosed with breast cancer. I’ve been to all hospital appointments so far, and intend to go to every one. Currently waiting for the results of an MRI scan to tell if it’s spread anywhere else before decisions about next steps begin (will it be chemo first and if so, for how long? Will they decide to operate first and how soon after that can they start chemo?)

This is my first experience of a parent being sick, my mum is my world and my head is full of anxiety about how she’s going to be feeling, how will she cope with treatment, what if it’s spread, how can I best look after her etc etc

It all feels very selfish and I feel guilty, she is the one going through it - not me! It’s daunting thinking about the long road ahead. She lives on her own (my parents are not together) and I have one younger brother who isn’t very good with these things so I feel very responsible. 

I don’t know what I’m feeling right now. Scared, guilty, anxious, tired… it’s all a bit of a mix. I would never want her to feel like a burden so I don’t think I can talk to her about this.

not sure what brought me here, I guess I needed to vent. Any advice on coping would be much appreciated 

  • Hello Ember 

    First of all, I'm so sorry to hear about your mum.

    Quite a few of my close friends have been through this ... and come out the other side with flying colours  HeartHeart

    There is nothing worse than lying awake with your mind racing. So I just wanted to reach out to you in the emptiness of the night to reassure you that you are not alone.

    There are some lovely people on here who will soon be in touch with you to put your mind at rest & offer lots of support & comfort.

    I hope you manage to get some sleep, sweetie.

    Lots of hugs to you.


  • Thank you so much, I really appreciate your kind words. It means so much to me x

  • Thinking of you & sending you healing thoughts, Ember.

    My partner has cancer (bone marrow) and has been receiving treatment for the last eight months.

    It is such a scary word, isn't it?

    However, once you've all got over the shock, you will gradually come to see it as just an illness that needs to be treated in order to get better.

    Mum's are so special. Your mum is lucky to have you. Bless her heart HeartHeartHeart

  • I’m so sorry to hear about your partner, but good that treatment is well under way! If you don’t mind me asking, how did you partner respond to the first round? I’m not really sure what to expect and I know everyone is different but I’m just not really sure what to expect.

    Yes I think once I’ve got over the shock it will just become the new normal, keen to get treatment started right away.

    Thank you xxx