When your husband kicks off at you.

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  • 47 subscribers

It has been a real roller coaster of a month .  My husband was chosen for the new cryotherapy treatment and operation to cure his extensive peritoneal cancer.  The operation was 14 hours long with the team literally looking and feeling every organ and then filling the peritoneal cavity with this cryotherapy treatment. The next day I was able to see him in intensive care where he stayed for three days.  Then they closed the hospital down due to a Covid peak.  They wanted to send him home after 10 days but he produced pus on his lower lung and diaphragm.  Apparently, this is normal with this kind of operation. Finally he spent a month in hospital.  Now we are home and the battle about eating begins.  I have spoken to the oncology nurse who is looking for a psychologist, in August a rare thing. The nutritionist has visited and has told me to take care of me too. He has a temporary stoma but right now is his own worst enemy.  We have been told they got all the cancer out, but on 8 August we will be given the results of the biopsy. Fingers crossed!! However, I am drained, exhausted and although I do yoga and singing and today went to get my hair done, as a carer I never see the end of the hard work for me.  Am I being selfish?

  • Hi Toyo

    no you're not being selfish! You say yourself its been a real rollercoaster of a month and that takes it toll. 

    The nutritionist is right- you need to take care of you too. Taking "me time" isn't selfish its essential here to give you the chance to recharge your batteries so that you can support your husband. 

    I've been supporting my husband in his stage 4 brain tumour journey since Sept 2020 and I'm not too proud to admit I'm exhausted - emotionally and physically but a little "me time" each day keeps me going.

    This group is a safe supportive space so reach out anytime. There's always someone around to listen who gets it.  We're all doing the best we can here and I've drawn a lot of support from this group over the months.

    It’s always good to talk so please remember that you can also call the Macmillan Support Services on 0808 808 00 00 - most services are open 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week Clicking here to see what is available. This service provides lots of cancer information, emotional support, benefit and financial guidance or just a listening ear.

    Right now I'm sending you a hug virtual hug. Please keep practicing your yoga and keep singing. it's all good for your soul.

    love n hugs

    Wee Me xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I don’t think anyone realises the emotional impact a cancer diagnosis has on everyone as well as all the caring you have to do, it’s completely exhausting. 
    No you’re not selfish at all and I find that while I do yoga and I have reflexology nothing switches off my brain. My husband has stage 4 lung cancer and is very well at the moment despite the chemo he has but there’s things he can’t do and he’s exhausted so most things fall to me. 
    I’ve learnt that  if I complain to friends about being exhausted or worried they don’t understand and are quick to point out everything my husband is dealing with. I speak to a counsellor which is something you might find helpful. Do you have a Maggies near you? They offer support to family as well as your husband. Also using this forum is good as you find how you feel is normal and not alone xx

    Lucy x 
  • Hi Lucy, I do speak to a counsellor but in August everything shuts down. I have also spoken to the oncology unit nurse who is very helpful, but you’re right that friends don’t understand and you can’t always be complaining. Yesterday I hurt him doing his injection and he yelled at me, then he seems to forget he has done it! I feel a bit resentful as no holiday again this year and more nursing. It sounds very selfish.

  • Absolutely you are not being selfish! Think of the oxygen mask in the plane... you have to put yours on first before you can help anyone else!