Struggling daughter

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So I'm new to all of this, not really sure what I'm doing!

Brief summary, mam (63) retired 1/4/22, diagnosed with endometrial cancer few weeks later. Very advanced. Primary tumour size of a football, spread to lungs, breast, abdomen, lymph nodes. Hormone therapy. Surgery not an option, chemo/radio to manage symptoms if appropriate as symptoms worsen. 

3 weeks after this, dad diagnosed with throat cancer. Surgery not an option. 6 months palliative prognosis. Dad has existing health conditions. 

Not sure why I'm here, but I know I now need some sort of help!

Dad has started having bleeding from his throat last few days, meaning I'm washing bedding daily. 

I live locally, with my 2 teenage kids, my husband works away, but currently home most weekends. 

I have some details for a macmillan nurse, and I know they're all there to help, I just don't know what help looks like, and what is available!

Having difficulty getting enough of the Fortisip drinks from GP, only being given 10-15 bottles at a time, but dad now having 3+ a day. Also oramorph, going through a bottle in about 3 days, in addition to his zomorph x2 per day. 

Who do I even ask to get things made a bit easier? 

Feel as though I just can't catch my breath at the moment, but is help available for me as their carer (I'm off work with stress right now, not surprisingly really!) ? I'm just feeling a bit lost and out of my depth, but I want to do as much as possible to help any way I can.

Leaving the home isn't an option for dad, he is where he is happy and where he wants to be, which we all support and agree with. 

Is there anywhere I can go to get anything that will possibly provide some sort of bedding protection, to at least prevent me needing to wash the bedding every day? 

I realise this probably sounds so minor, I'm just exhausted!

Sorry if this isn't the right place to ask, or in asking the wrong things, I'm so new to this! 

Laura xx

  • Hi there 

    Really sorry to hear about your mother and father. It will be a stressful time and natural to feel out of your depth. My father got diagnosed with gastric cancer earlier this year and know how you feel, plus like you, have been left with the responsibility to be the main carer and its daunting when you don't know where to start. 

    I've found the Macmillan helpline really useful - the nurses can help advise on treatment, diagnoses and symptoms but the line for emotional support was great too for leaning on when times got tough. 

    I also found the GP was good to tap into community care teams. We have a palliative care nurse who comes round and helps with any ongoing symptoms and can give advice on how best to make your parents feel comfortable so might be worth to see if that is available and give you more support. 

    Also, do make time for yourself when you can. It's a lot to deal with and taking care of yourself becomes just as important so you can manage better. 

    Wish you all the best x 

  • Thank you, most sincerely, for your advice, but also your kind words x