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  • 45 subscribers

Hi there, I’m new to this but I’m struggling with my partner’s diagnosis. We’ve been together about 12 years but we only started living together 2 months ago and we’re so happy about that but then got the news about 3 weeks ago that he has cancer in 4 places (2 on his spine which affect his left side and cause a lot of pain, 1 in his liver and 1 in his lung). They did a liver biopsy 12 days as they think it’s a sarcoma but want to know the exact type before discussing options. None of it looks very good from what I can tell but I’m usually optimistic so I’m keeping my fingers crossed. However, he’s quite withdrawn right now and thinks it’s the end of the road. I’m supporting him every way I can but when I get time to think I’m really fed up and angry that our new life together has been ruined and the honeymoon is well and truly over. I feel awful for being so selfish but I can’t help it. I hope this feeling will pass but everything is so uncertain right now that it’s hard to know what to think. Sorry for rabbiting on but I just needed to get this out. 

  • Hi and welcome to our community, though sorry it came so quickly to you both.

    If we look at the emotional effects of caring we can see all sorts of feelings people qo through - and they are not selfish at all. 

    My wife has Leiomyosarcoma and had two different types of chemotherapy, the second one of which appears to have rendered the cancer stable so we are now living with cancer. A cure for now is not possible but we will take our new golden "no evidence of progression".



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  • Thanks for your response. I will take a look at the link. We are all going through a lot 

  • Hi Vic49, I’m really sorry to hear of your partner’s diagnosis and know how hard it is. My husband was diagnosed with lung cancer which has spread to his spine & liver. It was a massive shock as had no other symptoms except a bad back. 2 years before that I was diagnosed with breast cancer which was successfully treated and I’m fine now. 
    It’s a lot to get your head round and is impacting on you both in different ways. Your partner dealing with an illness and all the treatment to come and you the huge change to your lives and the fear of what the future holds. 
    Speaking as the carer it’s not selfish how you’re feeling at all. Your lives were going in one direction with all the plans you’d made and suddenly you’ve had to do an emergency stop while you deal with this huge life change. I’ve had it described as a grief, for all the things you’d planned to do that you might not be able to. Also however things go in the next few months/years life will never be the same again after a cancer diagnosis and that needs time to process too. If you have a Maggies or a cancer support centre near you they all support the family as well so don’t hesitate to seeks some help. Sending you my best wishes xx 

    Lucy x 
  • Thank you Lucy for your understanding. I’m glad you’re okay and I hope your husband will be too. It’s a help knowing how others feel and cope with everything we all have to handle as it is a lot to deal with.

    Best wishes,

    Vic x